Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 4º17’11” and 17º08’36” in the sign of Sagittarius. Named Alimain and Abnahaya in the Renaissance tradition, Al-Na’amud or Al-Ras, Al-Thuban by Arabic authors, and Aggia by Coptic Greek astrologers.
Arab astrologers say that this mansion governs domestic animals, livestock, and taming of wild beasts, hunting, purchasing of small animals, and prisons and is unfavorable for marriage, partnerships, or alliances. We can deduce from modern-adapted medieval opinions that this lunar mansion influences animals in general, especially livestock or pets.
Under its sign are vets, tamers, animal trainers, and people who deal with diets and the caretaking of animals, including hunters and dog catchers.
During the time of this domain, some made talismans for different kinds of illnesses and recovery from suffering, but also operations meant to bring forth enmity between people, discord between friends, and bring some people where sorcerors want to.
The Sufi Mystic, Ibn Arabi, says that this mansion corresponds with the sphere of water, or the third heaven of the elements found in the sublunar domain. It is the home of water daemons, elemental sprites known as undines, nereids, or sirens from European folklore, and the maridh jinn or water spirits in Arabic tradition. Its attribute or divine name is “The life giver”, and the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Shin, or the sound “S”.
THE SUN in the 20th Mansion indicates a person with a lot of charisma, who during their lifetime will rise to an important social position. They can occupy key places in the internal affairs of a country and can be good diplomats. They have the gift of speaking and know how to make themselves liked by the ones around them, but most importantly, they know how to make themselves irreplaceable.
THE MOON in the 20th Mansion indicates a person whose life will be dominated by women in one way or another. Mothers will be extremely concerned and protective, girlfriends are possessive and jealous, wives are authoritarian and thirsty for control, and daughters, friends or sisters will strive to catch their attention. Beyond the unpleasant personal things caused by women, these natives will enjoy their sympathy and protection during their lives. Through women, they will get where they want to, rarely gaining what they need on their own. These men are adventurous and libertine, while the women are flirtatious and sensual, and free association is the best idea in a couple. Marriages are often the least good arrangement for these people and are fated to estrangement and break up.
MERCURY in the 20th Mansion shows an extremely capable person who is skilled in human communication and psychoanalysis. They are intelligent, articulate, interesting, and also curious, but often too chatty and vain. Because of their gifts, their egos can cause them issues, being not modest enough and not paying attention to the ones around them. They have a writing talent and can make a career out of literature or journalism. They are superficial and tend to be snobs, however they always have an ace up their sleeves and should not be underestimated.
VENUS in the 20th Mansion shows an elegant, well-groomed, and fashionable person with great success in their personal life. Women are very careful with themselves, they are intelligent, charming, and seductive, while men are adventurous, libertines, prolific lovers, and with a dose of romanticism that makes them irresistible. Both men and women are unstable, capricious, and superficial, more likely seeking fun and personal pleasure.
MARS in the 20th Mansion shows a very hostile person who is very concerned with the affairs of their rivals, constantly comparing themselves to them and scheming to expose their weaknesses. They get upset often and quickly, are irascible, childish, and predisposed to bouts of jealousy, possessiveness, and rivalry. They admit to their mistakes with difficulty and consider themselves a bit better than the ones around in almost every domain, becoming aggressive when someone superior jeopardizes their priority.
JUPITER in the 20th Mansion shows a person with very good social status. They have the respect of their communities, are well seen enjoy fame even at a high level, has a diplomatic nature. They are known for their moral qualities, for their work, and seriousness. They may receive inheritances from far-flung female relatives or can benefit especially in the first part of their lives from the protection of a powerful woman.
SATURN in the 20th Mansion shows a person with tense family relations, especially with the older generations. There are disputes related to inheritance, houses, properties, and especially real estate. These natives are withdrawn, a bit antisocial, and get along with very few people. They are capricious, suspicious, and intrigue-focused, thinking and expecting overly complex moves from others who aren’t their enemies. They are more likely feared rather than respected, but even so, they know how to leave a mark where they go, impressing the ones around them.
URANUS in the 20th Mansion indicates a very intelligent, playful, and a bit childish person, but also possessing great tenacity when they desire. They know how to achieve their goals and do it in the most original ways, often crossing the line of illegality and morality, without doing so with intent.
NEPTUNE in this Mansion shows a fluctuant person who doesn’t know steadiness. Their lives are like a continuous rollercoaster, adventure mixes with the mundane, mishaps with times of joy and peace, rest, and rewards come in a rhythmic pattern in step with their actions. They don’t have a stable workplace and try to earn their living with as little work as possible and the most originality. They change life partners often and will also often be forced to change their homes.
PLUTO in the 20th Mansion shows an intelligent, spiritual, inventive but also a capricious and shifty person. They have the gift of persuasion and know how to attract those they need to their side. They are tenacious, determined, and intriguing. They often quarrel with the ones around them, trying later to mend the ruptures in relationships with prudence and hypocrisy rather than honest remorse. When well-aspected, Pluto in this mansion shows a person who will certainly leave a mark on others during their lives through their achievements and revolutionary writings. When badly aspected, we may be dealing with someone dangerous who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals or to get revenge.
LILITH in the 20th Mansion shows a superficial, careless, mean, and duplicitous person. They allow themselves to be dominated by nefarious influences of their own psyches and this can affect people close to them.
They have a fulminant, voracious sexuality that will give way to fidelity with great difficulty. Marriage is an extremely bad idea for these people, them being incapable of remaining faithful to one person. Marriages are often marked by mischievous interests, and hidden plots, and often end in divorce.
THE NORTH NODE in this Mansion shows that the meaning of the native’s life is gaining a position of leadership or a well-seen place among peers in order to exert their leadership and diplomatic qualities in peace. They must learn patience, respect, altruism, and self-sacrifice to get there where they must and to show great moral fiber.
THE SOUTH NODE in this Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives had great control, regardless if they did it out of goodwill or malice. This person had a leadership complex from which they must rid themselves in this life. They must learn to bow to the will of the many, to suffer the influence of greater people of their times and to learn the mechanism of power from the other side.


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