Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the domain between 08º34’19” and 21º25’44” in Scorpio. During the Renaissance, it was named Alcalb, Alchalb, Alchas, Arcalo, Alton, and Altoh. Arab authors named it Ak-Kalb and Coptic Greeks named it Stephani. Arab astrologers say that this house is unfavorable to most domains in generals, it governs scandals, judgments, punishment, affliction, and conspiracies, however, it is favorable in everything related to war, strategy, and buildings.
While most mansions have more assets and fewer dangers, Alkalb is exactly the reverse, being extremely unfavorable and having few positive traits.
From modern adapted medieval opinions, we can deduce that this mansion influences trials, scandals, corrupt lawyers and judges, tabloid journalists, the press, the army, servicemen, state enforcers, fighters and boxers, and architects, builders, and laborers.
Talismans for aiding with conspiracies and bringing separation and quarreling can be made during the time of this mansion.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi says that this mansion corresponds with the sphere of fire, the Aether, and meteorites. Once the hierarchy of the planets is done, the spheres of elements are next to come, out of which that of Fire is the most subtle and the first, descending from outside in towards the Earth.
Its attribute or divine name associated with this Mansion is “he who begins”, and in the Arabic kabbalah it is associated with the letter Tau and the sound “T”.
THE SUN in the 18th Mansion shows an energetic person who is full of vigor but with a bad character. They are also ill-mannered, quick to anger, and think what they do is always the best. Their social status is gained due to hidden relations and fraud, however, it is temporary, because for these types of people, scandals and the revealing of the truth are only a matter of time. All types of partnerships with these people will be disastrous, especially for men. In the family, it can indicate the loss of the father.
THE MOON in the 18th Mansion indicates a person who is prone to nervous breakdown, with unstable temperament and shifty moods. They often argue with the ones around them, they think they are always right and unfairly persecuted and rarely admit their guilt. Any kind of partnership with these people will be disastrous, especially for women. In the family, it can indicate the loss of the mother.
MERCURY in the 18th Mansion shows a wicked and machiavellian person with more than flexible morality.
VENUS in the 18th Mansion shows a person who manifests resentment towards girls and women. Regardless of the gender of the natives, misogyny is a strong trait of these people, labeling women as they meet them. They are marked by sentimental and sexual mishaps but have a good image of themselves. They are well-behaved in relationships but very superficial and duplicitous. They are defined by arguing and complaining.
MARS in the 18th Mansion shows a very impulsive person. They don’t think much before acting, don’t regret making mistakes, and don’t think they are mistaken even when their errors are being revealed to them. They are violent, abusive, and rarely sentimental. These are such powerful aspects, that they can mean the destruction of these natives. Death by violence, fire, or guns aren’t also excluded.
JUPITER in the 18th Mansion shows a person with fluctuating social status who is predisposed to dishonor and public scandal. Fame and social status are their greatest weaknesses. There are tense relationships with the father and other people in superior hierarchical positions.
SATURN in the 18th Mansion shows us a pessimist, sad, and sullen person. Saturn in this mansion gives some of the most unpleasant characters, however these people can become different only in old age. It’s quite possible to avoid the manifestation of this character, however, the natives with this aspect tend to “sour” with the passing of years.
URANUS in the 18th Mansion shows an impulsive native with an energetic character. They are hasty, fluctuating, and don’t always wait long enough to become wise about crucial points. They have a fulminant character and are independent and nonconforming but also duplicitous. They act behind the scenes, gossip, and plot, especially against those who annoy them in one way or another. They are vindictive and rarely forget a mistake, even if they don’t show it.
NEPTUNE in the 18th Mansion shows a person with a weak character, easily influenced and manipulated. They are talented in many fields, especially artistic ones, however, they don’t know how to channel their creative forces constructively. These natives are tempted by destructive vices, especially liquor, and their weakness and angst can cause them to abuse alcohol or injectable drugs. They are slightly unstable and have self-destructive tendencies.
PLUTO in the 18th Mansion shows a person who is interested in the occult, secrets known to very few people. In more favorable cases, these natives orient themselves towards spiritual sciences, and esoteric disciplines, and will be confidants, trustworthy people to the ones around. In more unfortunate cases, these natives orient themselves towards the lower mundane, gossip, rumors, hidden plots, machinations, and subversion of all kinds. They are unstable people, vindictive and vigilantes, especially when defending their own causes.
LILITH in the 18th Mansion shows an excessive sexual nature. It’s the most favorable Mansion for Lilith, the heart of the scorpion, amplifying its constructive, as well as its destructive aspects. The constructive aspects are sexual vigor, fecundity, and creativity, however, the destructive side is dominated by excess, abuse, and lack of sensibility. First of all, these natives feel the constant need for competition to fuel their pride, and this makes them indifferent to the ones around them or wary of them not joining their competition. The second after this is their excessive vanity which determines these natives to fulfill their plans and goals by any means necessary, often owning to the destiny of their victims. This is indicative of pleasure, unrestrained passion, and nymphomania, but also of danger, vengeance, blackmail, and lack of principle.
THE NORTH NODE in this Mansion shows that the meaning of the natives’ lives is solitude and following their own way in life. These people who in previous lives depended on others will find that in this life, groups will reject them. Those who dedicated themselves completely to their family will now find out that they don’t want to have a family of their own, and those who depended financially on their families find out that their current families reject them and oblige them to strike out on their own. People with this aspect are born under the sign of the lesson of solitude and will sooner or later have to learn all its aspects. If they reject this life lesson, they will have to face difficult situations, and without the help of others, they will learn to yearn without any hope after others. If the natives
THE SOUTH NODE in the 18th Mansion shows a soul who in previous lives was very focused on their own well-being, leaving others to suffer. They were “soulless” and and lacking compassion, and did everything only for themselves. They abused, hid lied, and did evil being aware of it in all ways for the sake of their egos. They will have to work hard and with no shortcuts or help, often times they will lose the little they earn. They will fight with poverty or with the pointlessness of their actions to learn the value of their work and help given or received.


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