Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 08º34’19” and 21º25’44” in the sign of Aquarius. It was named Caadaladbia, Caaldabachia, Sadalabbia, Sadalabra, or Sadalchia in the Renaissance tradition, Al Sa’d al Ahbiyah by Arabic authors and Upeiuneutes by Coptic Greek astrologers. Arab Astrologers say that this mansion is favorable for construction, travel, trees, and harvests, but is unfavorable for marriage and partnerships.
We can deduce from modern adapted medieval opinions that this lunar mansion influences architects, construction workers, masons, real estate agents, tourist agencies, drivers, sailors, and pilots but also lawyers who specialize in commercial solvency, parting, and divorces.
During the time of this mansion or house, some make talismans for victory over enemies, for revenge, and the magical works made under its auspices concern sex and impotence.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi links this mansion with the Angelic Realm, out of the realms which compose the magickal cosmology. Its attribute or divinely associated name is “The Mighty one” and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Fâ or the sound F.
THE SUN in the 25th Mansion shows a strong, determined, and tenacious person but also someone who is vain and superficial at the same time. They can’t stand competition and spend a great deal of their time trying to match, overtake, and even eliminate their rivals. They are Amphitrons par excellence, and in their career and family life, they can become tyrannical. They have an extreme need to be right and to be recognized for their merits. Their main health concern is their heart and their general level of vitality.
THE MOON in the 25th Mansion shows an imaginative, creative, and clever person but with a very difficult, capricious, and even possessive demeanor bordering despotism. Their relationships are short, marriage will be destined for divorce and social relationships will be very tense because of their domineering and scheming nature. They love nature, and forests and have a great interest in what involves agriculture, and gardening, being able to take refuge in these towards the second half of their lives in loneliness. These natives are predisposed to suffering due to hereditary diseases mostly inherited from their mothers. Pregnancies will be mostly affected if infertility isn’t a problem.
MERCURY in the 25th Mansion shows a person who lives fast, is in a rush and acts impulsively. They are hyperactive at work and in their free time, and when comes to communication they are chatty, wasteful, and downright verbose. These natives are very punctual, always in a hurry; are prompt but one can never rely on their honesty; they have fast and good reflexes, but not always constructively oriented. They want to prove themselves to others and are often callous and hypocritical, or at least duplicitous, and their vice is smoking, and will have trouble getting rid of it. This habit will in time lead to serious trouble with their respiratory system.
VENUS in the 25th Mansion shows a vain, superficial, and uncaring person who benefited from a proper upbringing but shows only bad manners. They are possessive in their love life and marriage will last an extremely short time. Diseases will most often affect the sexual glands, especially ovarian afflictions. Balding will be something men will have to contend with. They will generally have love-related problems, excessive sexuality, emotional immaturity, and sterility.
MARS in the 25th Mansion shows a very combative, impulsive, and proud person. They have serious trouble controlling their aggression. These are people who never forget the people who wronged them and are very inclined towards getting revenge. They are tyrannical and consider that everyone should listen to them. They are imprudent and risk becoming the victims of their own scheming. Can suffer due to work-related accidents, but also those related to sports or the army, they can also develop problems with their genitals. This will negatively affect their relationships with the opposite sex.
JUPITER in the 25th Mansion shows a steady, stable, tenacious but vain and greedy person in many ways. They have an old patriarchal mentality and want to play the most important role in family and business life as well as in politics. Problems with their fathers and bosses marked them a lot, modeling their personality greatly. They are authoritarian as bosses, strict, and more of a tyrant than a leader, their employees are always unhappy and often end up quitting. They can inherit diseases from their fathers and the most vulnerable parts are their joints, arteries, and especially the liver.
SATURN in the 25th Mansion shows us a native who is closed within, melancholic, antisocial, and unforgiving. They have very little mercy for those who wrong them even without intention, a reason for which they close themselves off due to much discontent, anguish, and negative feelings. Jealousy, rancor, and hate will push them into very negative states, and in the second part of their life towers claustration, be it jail following some brutal revenge being institutionalized in an asylum or hospital, or even self-imposed exile in their own homes. They can also withdraw in a rural area, having a passion for agriculture and gardening.
URANUS in the 25th Mansion shows a very original and inventive native who has a new vision about the world but also has many moral and affective defects. They are very attached to their own point of view, substituting it to an immutable truth, they will try to impose it on others. They react rather badly when they are contradicted or thoroughly analyzed, taking any critique towards him and his ideas as a personal attack. They feel betrayed when those close won’t agree with them and this will culminate in pesimism or persecution mania. Cryptic in expression, they love to play the role of the wise and mysterious person, denying their ignorance when are reproached. They can have trouble with their nervous system.
NEPTUNE in the 25th Mansion shows an intuitive, sensitive, fluctuating, and impressionable person. They tend to act weird to be noticed, they love to pretend, and even end up believing their own representation. They have a melancholic nature, often time more tragic and pessimistic than the situation demands. They can draw a pessimistic interpretation even out of the luckiest of situations. They find refuge in vice, partly because of their native tragedy, and also because of their fascination their vices exert over others. They want to become interesting through decadence and sometimes they succeed. Are predisposed towards psychosomatic illnesses and infections.
PLUTO in the 25th Mansion shows a very interesting person, to the ones around, he is someone they will remember. Natives often times behave strangely and have very rude manners in inappropriate situations, usually standing out in the crowd. They want to make a personal legend out of themselves and are horrified of the thought that they won’t be remembered after their deaths. They mix up celebrity with notoriety, rudeness with originality, arrogance with determination. They have radical views and tend to judge. Are duplicitous, fake, and outrageous, liking to break people up. They can have trouble with their nervous system and skin diseases.
LILITH in the 25th Mansion Mansion shows an intrusive, rude, and uncomfortable nature. In their circle of friends, they appear to be the “little devil” on the shoulders of those who are undecided, suggesting the most destructive solution only for the sake of fun. They consider themselves superior and love to amuse themselves with the “weaknesses” and “foolishness” of people such as love, friendship, fidelity, altruism, and mercy. They are extremely competitive and never hesitate to destroy their obstacles or competition.
THE NORTH NODE in the 25th Mansion shows that the meaning of the native’s life is advancing the goals they make regardless of hardships. These natives need to own up to the path they were given with all its risks, hardships, and sacrifices. Their life lesson is giving up small comforts for a greater struggle and for more important goals.
THE NORTH NODE in the 25th Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives did everything to fulfil its desires, even with the cost of the suffering of others. These were strong and proud people who were obsessed with their goals and stopped at nothing to fulfill them. In this life, they need to learn modesty, humility and selfless service towards others.


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