Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
The 27th and penultimate Lunar Mansion governs the space between 4º17’11” and 17º08’36” in the sign of Pisces. Named Ahhalgalmoad, Alcharya, Alfargamahar, Algarfermuth, or Algaafalmuehar in the Medieval and Renaissance tradition, Al-Fargh-Al-Thani by Arab authors and Artulos by Coptic Greek astrologers.
Arab Astrologers say that this mansion is favorable towards nature, harvests, earnings, and marriage but is unfavorable towards travel, real estate, and lending of money in general, showing financial incompetence. We can deduce from modern medieval adapted opinions that this mansion influences agriculture, forestry, gardening, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry, therapies of any kind, businesses, finances, banks lotteries, marriage, and children.
During the time of this mansion some make talismans for commerce, friendship, harvests, and healing, and the magical works under its auspices concern friendship and enmity, against prisoners and travel by water.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi links this mansion to the Human Realm. Its attribute or divinely associated name is “The unifier” and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Mim or the sound M.
THE SUN in the 27th Mansion shows a pleasant, well-mannered, open, and sociable person. These natives have a distinct way of treating people, with honesty, respect, and cherish regardless if it’s a close friend or someone they have just been acquainted with recently. They treat everyone with respect and cordiality, however not distantly and condescendingly but warm and affable, adding a drop of charisma. They have a good sense of humor but without acting the fools, make people laugh but not in a vulgar manner, and draw much pleasure from making others feel at large. Loves nature, the sun, and light and is careful in family and couple, being capable of becoming a great spouse and parent.
THE MOON in the 27th Lunar Mansion shows a very psychically open person. They show great receptivity, are empathic, and have an instinctual and developed intelligence. These natives may be attracted by the unseen worlds, by spirituality, mediumship, and the practice of divination with a rarely encountered dexterity. They are instinctual, self-taught, and sometimes quite erudite, however, their predisposition toward psychism doesn’t spare them some life hardships. Their destinies are fraught with delays and mishaps, an aspect that they will have to accept as a way of learning what is necessary.
MERCURY in the 27th Mansion shows a person whose childhood and youth are under the sign of uncertainty. They can’t make up their mind and are shifty, pass from one passion to another and do the same with their ideals, and have trouble finding their place because they adapt quickly but also get tired just as quickly. They will experience great joy from children and can be loving and dedicated parents or teachers. They lose their money just as fast as they earn it. It would be a good idea to abstain from business or get rich quickly as they are prone to risk and losing everything.
VENUS in the 27th Mansion shows a native who is always in love, always dreaming of someone, and willing to love or be loved. They have serious thoughts with every partner they fancy, after a few days, they will think of the future of the relationship for the next few years, and after a few months will quietly dream of the last details of marriage. They are good-natured, sensible, loving, and dedicated to what they do. They have a curiously poetic nature and suffer a lot even though don’t have a good reason.
MARS in the 27th Mansion shows a friendly and happy native, however they can be annoying in some ways. They are aggressive, quarrelsome, mischievous, often rude, and make jokes at other’s expense that only they see as being funny. These natives have way too little respect for other people’s feelings, and when it is necessary or for the right cause, they will leave all sense of humanity or feelings and will stop at nothing on their way to victory. It is recommended that they live in the countryside or province, where they can have great success in agriculture. Their defects hide a great strength for work and great determination, being especially active and hardworking.
JUPITER in the 27th Mansion shows a good, merciful, and open person. They have big hearts and show this fully when necessary. They are tempered, and balanced, a reason for which they can excel in their careers and gain substantial riches. They are philanthropists par excellence, however do it out of an honest desire to help their neighbors and not to gain the admiration of others. They can be great parents and devoted spouses.
SATURN in the 27th Mansion shows a native who is predisposed towards melancholy and a meditative state. Saturn’s position here can determine a withdrawn life, however, this can differ depending on the aspect. When badly aspected it will show the life of a refugee (self)exiled, a lonely person who doesn’t appreciate anything and will have trouble making themselves pleasant to eventual company. When well aspected we are dealing with a tempered, lonely person who is content with solitude, this person withdraws from the world to contemplate the subtle realities and depths of spirit.
URANUS in the 27th Mansion shows a person who is interested in the occult sciences, especially those who aim at the worlds beyond, such as spirit communication, necromancy, or the evocation of spirits. They are natural-born diviners and wield some divinatory arts with great ease. When badly aspected, Uranus in this mansion shows a scammer that exploits the gullibility of people in the spiritual domain. Also, an honest seeker and a talented telepath are being manipulated by intelligences that pretend to be something they are not.
NEPTUNE in the 27th Mansion shows a person with highly developed and receptive psychic powers, and an intellect to match. They are attracted to healing by any possible means. Natural therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and treatment of energy fields may be their favorite methods, along with a variety of contemporary medicine. They will help the progress of medicine and reconcile science with spirituality.
PLUTO in the 27th Mansion shows a person who will commit what is called “necessary evil” . Not being evil intended people, part of their mission is especially difficult, the causing the suffering of others that they deserve and those who have in their karma learning through suffering and pain. Just like the executioner and doctor, they use an iron blade to cut and remove undesired and unhealthy things(one from the body, another from society), this person will exert the Divine Plan when will cause suffering. He may be a serial killer or a dramatic actor, but their role is to teach others the lesson of pain.
LILITH in the 27th Mansion shows a vengeful and outrageous nature. These natives are capable, cunning, and manipulative, and know very well how they can determine their fellows to do what they want. They often help others, however, they do it to make others owe them and to have an advantage over them. When badly aspected, this position will determine a lot of perversion and evil done consciously They have psyching abilities that can be used for manipulation and for using magical means to coerce their targets.
THE NORTH NODE in the 27th Mansion shows that the meaning of the native’s life is work and the value of work. The more they learn the lesson of work and effort, the more their psychic abilities will begin to manifest as a confirmation of their worth. Their work will be altruistic for the most part, dedicated toward others and this will raise them any occult-related efforts.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 27th Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives worked very hard and knew how to share the fruits of their labor. They were dedicated spouses and leaders of families, sacrificing almost everything for the well-being of their families. In their current life they can detach from their family and pursue the path of self-realization in solitude if they so desire, without being accused of running away from their responsibilities.


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