Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 0º0’0” and 12º51’26” in the sign of Capricorn.
In the Renaissance tradition, it was named Acadaldeba, Caaldalbala, Caalbeba, Sahaddadebe, Sadabacha, Zodeboluch, or Zendeldena. Arab authors named it Al Sa’d al Dhabih and Polis according to Coptic Greeks.
Arab astrologers say that this mansion is favorable for deserters, runaways, sick people, business partnerships, and embarkments, but is unfavorable for purchasing slaves(who will revolt against their master), and marriage(the man will be treated badly by the woman).
We can deduce from modern adapted medieval opinions that this lunar mansion influences people who are on the run from the consequences of their own actions, but also those who are unfairly incarcerated that manage to escape. It is also favorable for starting new projects and establishing of partnerships, however, it isn’t recommended for hiring new people in a company, or to start romantic relationships.
During the time of this mansion, some make talismans to stimulate recovery, and magical workings made under its auspices aim to sow discord between people but also the attraction of friendship. The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi links this mansion with the Mineral Realm, the first in the series of enumerated realms, but also the least developed. Its attribute or divine name is “The Precious One”, and in the Arabic kabbalah, its corresponding letter is Zâ or an accentuated Z sound.
THE SUN in the 22nd Mansion indicates a memorable person with a strong personality. They have a hegemonic and domineering character and manage to impose their point of view with ease. In time they will rise to important political or administrative points, being out of the ordinary in posterity for their deeds, or because of their role in their country’s affairs.
THE MOON in the 22nd Mansion shows a crafty person who knows how to manipulate people, be it intentional or instinctive in order to achieve its goals. They are not malicious in essence, but oftentimes, the way they approach people and their mentality makes these natives be described by others with less favorable terms. They will have trouble with women, especially those in their own family, and the premature death of the mother or her loss in other circumstances will be often met.
MERCURY in the 22nd Mansion shows a duplicitous and intelligent person who is more clever and machiavellian than cultured and well-educated. They know how to cover their tracks when they did something wrong, and oftentimes fate favors the thief, eluding justice with success.
In the best case, they can be defended by Divine Providence after they do something illegal, dedicating their lives as thanks to the service of others and spiritual causes. In worse cases, they will linger in illegality, encouraged by their native luck, but getting caught eventually.
VENUS in the 22nd Mansion shows sentimental problems, a rich intimate life but fraught with controversy and erotic unfulfilment. They will have trouble with women, regardless if the natives are men or women. Men will clash with their wives, girlfriends, friends, and extremely unfit lovers, and women will clash with rivals or mistresses of their partners. Marriage is strongly discouraged.
MARS in the 22nd Mansion shows a very strong, competitive, and proud person. They rarely can get along with someone, and then, the relationship is based on competitiveness that brings the two together. As a husband, he can be misunderstood, jealous, and possessive, and as a father, he will have major losses. Family life isn’t recommended, especially if they are not attracted to it, however, they may fall prey to perverted intents from women who want to have him at any price.
JUPITER in the 22nd Mansion shows a person with good social status but with unfairly attained wealth. They have a happy demeanor however a bit acidic. Their humour is delectable for some, but insufferable for others, especially the targets of their sarcasm. Financial risk is not recommended of any kind, especially monetary credit which will never be honored. In a negative aspect, we are dealing with the typical corrupt politician, at least as an extremely influential person, but with dubious morality.
SATURN in the 22nd Mansion shows an aloof and quarrelsome person who possesses a critical side that is extremely developed. They will live their lives alone, preferring solitude to the detriment of ephemeral relationships. They want to focus on their goals as much as possible instead of developing social, sentimental, or familial relationships and have a good chance of living the last part of their lives in solitude. Even though this is a lifestyle they choose for themselves, they often pity themselves by saying they have no other choice. Because of their dissatisfaction, they are tempted to project their weaknesses onto others, criticizing them for their defects, thus their criticism isn’t always justified, nor is it fully objective.
URANUS in the 22nd Mansion shows a person who is passionate about spirituality, the paranormal, and esotericism, having activities in these domains and hoping to use them as much as possible out of curiosity. They will garner some fame in these associated circles and will gain some influence. Unfortunately, these types of people are predisposed towards being charlatans. When badly aspected, this Uranus in the 22nd Mansion can indicate the sorcerer, charlatan, and false magician. Using these occult powers in low goals is rather rare for these natives, more often indicating the model of the trickster. Incapable to prove their abilities, they will be content with manipulating the ignorant masses and impressing the gullible.
NEPTUNE in the 22nd Mansion shows a person who is predisposed towards psychological problems due to intense emotional experiences. Failed relationships, arguments with their partners, or sentimental problems will push them into more and more precarious health. They may fall prey to some psychosomatic afflictions, especially ulcers. They will have tense relationships with older women, especially mothers and grandmothers.
PLUTO in the 22nd Mansion shows a duplicitous and indecisive person with strong psychic experiences. They will be unhappy in the erotic or sentimental domain, with many problems caused by women, or because of arguments that will arise on their behalf. They can have health problems, especially in the second part of their lives with their bones. They are fragile people, being predisposed to breaking bones, but also arthritis and degenerative illnesses.
LILITH in the 22nd Mansion shows a possessive and jealous person. These natives are predisposed towards bitter egoism, acute egocentrism, and sadic syndrome. They are never faithful to their partners, and one of their pleasures is manipulation. Unfortunately, their victims will be people who need to learn through suffering, thus these natives, regardless of how much evil they seem to commit, do nothing but play the role they were given when were born.
THE NORTH NODE in this Mansion shows that the purpose of the current life of this native is to give new chances. For these natives, this life is one with little suffering, and karmic lessons can be mild. Even though they have a hard karma to burn, just like others, their previous lives give them a chance for forgiveness. They often get away from the punishment that they deserve based on their behavior and good deeds. They benefit from considerable free will, but it only depends on them how they want to use it.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 22nd Mansion indicates a soul that in previous lives tried to run away from responsibilities. From minor ones like work or helping others to karmic debts, these natives try to always run from fulfilling them. It is possible they learned different esoteric or occult disciplines such as alchemy or yoga to set themselves free from karma, however, they will only add new lessons to learn in the course of their current lives. These natives need to learn responsibility, altruism, and patience, especially how to make peace with the idea of suffering for their own mistakes in the past.


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