Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It’s found between 25º42’53” Libra and 08º34’18” Scorpio on the Zodiacal circle. Its name is ALKIL, ILKIL, ALIKIL, and ALIDIL in the Renaissance tradition and Iklil-a-Jbhah as written by Arabic authors and Pritithi by Greek Coptic astrologers. Arabic astrologers say that this mansion governs buildings, the beginning of constructions, and reconciling between arguing lovers, love, and romantic relationships, but t it is unfavorable for cutting hair, travel, and partnerships.
We can deduce from medieval opinions that are later adapted to our current times that this lunar mansion influences reconciliation of any kind, love stories, and the beginning of new long-term projects, and out of people, it governs lovers in general, architects, builders, masons, negotiators, counselors, and sailors.
Also, this mansion lessens bad luck and helps against thieves and crooks. During this domain or house, some make talismans to make peace between lovers after a fight and for the success of sentimental relationships.
The Sufi Mystic, Ibn Arabi, says that this mansion corresponds to the sphere of the Moon or the 7th Heaven, the home of the first celestial parent, Adam, out of the list of prophets in Islam. Its atribute or divine name is “The evident one”, and in the literal Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Dal which corresponds with the sound D.
THE SUN in the 17th Mansion indicates a person who can achieve good social status and can be placed in key roles. They will have to accept serious responsibilities, and because of this reason, they should expect constant criticism. There’s the danger of egocentrism and vanity.
THE MOON in the 17th Mansion is a friendly, open, and sociable person, but predisposed to being capricious. They are honest as far as common sense demands, they criticize the ones around them and deep inside are always unsatisfied. Usually, they criticize others as a reaction to their own discontent and defects, even if the latter are or aren’t always realistic.
MERCURY in the 17th Mansion shows a friendly person with a lot of charm and a healthy sense of humor. They often act as the messenger and have a peaceful demeanor. They are often the glue that keeps groups together or the “life of the party”, and things always happen around them. These natives, especially women, live very passionate love stories, always being the pursuers, plotting, conspiring, and planning something for their friends.
VENUS in the 17th Mansion shows a romantic, dreamy, idealistic, and loving person. They have a warm demeanor always see the good side of things, and are always looking for beauty in everything around them. They can be a bit vain but with some moderation, and a lot of charm. They will have success in relationships and experience beautiful love affairs.
MARS in the 17th Mansion shows a person with a very active love life. These people are conquerors and seducers, they possess a lot of charm and persuasion skills. For women, Don Juan, and for men, Femme Fatale. Even though they are fiery and very daring, these natives know how to quickly recover after a loss of image and can become diplomatic, calm, and pacifistic.
JUPITER in the 17th Mansion indicates a person with good social status and material wealth to be envied. Everything is due to sustained work and comes as a direct proportional reward to the effort put in. They move from a tumultuous youth to a middle and old age that is free from worries.
SATURN in the 17th Mansion shows us a native who is willing to always be learning, a quiet and calculated person who doesn’t take too many assumed risks. They are friendly and open when he is approached, even though they prefer solitude. Saturn in this mansion can mean divorce or widows, especially for men, or at least voluntary solitude. These natives are especially attentive, analytic, and critical, especially with themselves. Professionally, they can work in fields that require a lot of patience but also a lot of responsibility, like medicine, most likely psychology and psychiatry.
URANUS in the 17th Mansion shows a native whose strong point is communication. They know how to talk, are excellent orators, and are talented diplomats. They do well with groups of people and can easily work with crowds, and professionally they can become responsible for the fate and life conditions of some large communities. Their careers will carry them to unimagined heights, sometimes surprising. A big warning for them is the danger of vanity.
NEPTUNE in the 17th Mansion shows us a person who is inclined towards spirituality more than anything else. They know how to live and to bring homages to love in all its forms, however they will end up preferring the spiritual kind of love. The detached, ecstatic one, oriented towards God and fellow human beings rather than a single person.
PLUTO in the 17th Mansion shows a person full of contradiction. Rarely do they agree with themselves concerning an issue, and they oscillate often in orientations and beliefs, switching from joy and fulfillment to harsh criticism and regret.
LILITH in the 17th Mansion shows a jealous, vain, and stuck-up nature. Their vice is egocentrism and narcissism, even if they pretend it isn’t. They have a prodigious intimate life, possibly multiple partners at the same time. These natives are not steady, not even in the relationships they get involved, easily finding defects even in the person who is closest to the ideal.
THE NORTH NODE in the 17th house shows the purpose of the current life for the natives is finding love in all its forms. Even though the most obvious one is the romantic kind, the motto for the life lesson for these natives is “Love thy neighbor”. Be it manifested on a personal level, with every other person, detached, or towards the whole of humanity, these natives will always have revelations of love that will spread their spiritual horizons up until the point when they won’t need to learn anymore.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 17th Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives has experienced love intensely, especially the romantic kind, and in this life needs to receive rewards for his good behavior and thoughts. These natives can go further on their spiritual path, however, this time they will need to learn to let go and to learn impersonal and initiatory love to fulfil their purposes.


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