Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 12º51’27” and 25º42’52” in the sign of Capricorn. It was named Caaldebolach, Caaldebolab, Caaldebdala, Caciddebola, Zadebolal, Sabadola, or Zorbach in the Renaissance tradition, Al Sa’d al Bula by Arab authors and Upteutos by Coptic Greek astrologers.
Arab astrologers say this mansion is favorable for partnerships, healers, soldiers, prisoners, and the country’s great people, but it is unfavorable towards marriage(great chances of divorce), romantic relationships, and travel.
We can deduce from modern adapted medieval opinions that this lunar mansion influences business partnerships as well as political ones, doctors, therapists from every branch of medicine, military, policemen, state agents and enforcers, fighters, prisoners, politicians, divorces, and divorce lawyers. During the time of this mansion, some make talismans for healing the sick, and bringing partners together to form a couple, and the magical works made during its auspices concern divorce, quarrels, and breakups.
The Sufi Mystic, Ibn Arabi, links this mansion with the vegetal realm out of the earthly realms. Its attribute or divine associated name is “The nurturing one” and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Tha or the accentuated Th sound.
THE SUN in the 23rd Mansion shows a native with a strong, magnetic, and overwhelming personality all at the same time. They tend to fill in the spaces they enter, attract the attention of the ones around them, and dominate crowds. They possess leadership qualities, however the difference between their positive and negative manifestation can mean the difference between them being heroes or tyrants.
THE MOON in the 23rd Mansion shows a person with strong intuition and extra sensorial abilities. These natives have an impressive personal magnetism and they exert a unique fascination with the ones around them. If they decide to follow the spiritual path, they can increase their powers exponentially depending on their dedication and involved altruism in this regard. Relations won’t always go well and marriage will fail almost every time. The woman will be the cause of arguments, female natives will find new defects every day for which to criticize their partners, and the men with this sign will have partners who will be more and more possessive and demanding. It’s a sign that we should detach ourselves from our personal lives and dedicate our resources to our inner spiritual lives.
MERCURY in the 23rd Mansion shows a very busy person who should learn to sort out their priorities. Often things will not work regarding some projects they will get into, especially because they need to make themselves available for others or themselves. They are very busy, hasty, and always involved in something, a sort of jack of all trades, and rarely are the domains they get involved in similar. Many people will think they are dedicated to only one domain, and will not know of the others, misjudging them.
VENUS in the 23rdh Mansion shows a person for whom emotional relationships are rather important, however, they won’t always be beneficial. These people need love but don’t love based on their demands. Even though their relationships are based on honest and altruistic love will go well, marriage isn’t recommended at all. Often they are way too selective with the opposite sex, and judge people superficially, based on how they look or dress. Because of this, they may overlook people who are meant for them. They will suffer the consequences for this and later in life will have to contend with the brutal repercussions of their superficiality: loneliness.
MARS in the 23rd Mansion shows a native with a lot of strength, great physical power, and a personality to match. Those who will have a strong personality won’t have such an imposing physique, their strength being entirely mental and psychic. These natives can be politicians or important people in the field they work in, however, they are prone to bouts of anger, and fury and will have to deal with a vulcanic behavior. Those who will not excel through their personality will do so in the physical plain, they will have brute strength, an imposing physique, and good health. They can be sportsmen, soldiers, enforcers, bodyguards, firemen, or police officers.
JUPITER in the 23rd Mansion shows a person who is very preoccupied with their career, however, their efforts will be in vain if they don’t adopt a spiritual vision. Superficiality and sinking into materialism to the detriment of spirit can cause problems throughout their careers, losing jobs, bad luck, problems with the law, and ruin at the end of their lives. By dedicating every action to God and others and finding pleasure and joy in all that they do, these natives will sidestep all these negative effects.
SATURN in the 23rd Mansion shows a lonely person who will reap the rewards of a rough youth. Their choices will affect their old age and will have many regrets. They will isolate themselves to pursue study, reason, philosophy, or simply because of the lack of joy social contact will cause them. They will live avidly and will hold on to many things, whether it be money, loans, old items, or information. They are thirsty and can’t control their need to consume. Medically, people with this aspect can be voracious in their appetite which will lead to obesity, cardiovascular problems, and issues with the bone structure.
URANUS in the 23rd Mansion shows a native with therapeutic inclinations. Even though people in general can heal others, it will take some time until this becomes part of our collective consciousness. These natives have the calling to become healers, they can dedicate themselves to therapeutic disciples of any field with great success. A possible medical career, however, Uranus indicates everything that is related to bioenergy and spirituality. From bio-energy therapy to Asian medicine to reiki, psychotherapy to manipulation of fields, they will have a fascination for healing through the power of spirit.
NEPTUNE in the 23rd Mansion shows a very pleasant and magnetic person having a developed spiritual side. Even though they won’t enter the domain of occult sciences or esotericism, these natives go deep into religion, tradition, and prayer to find peace. The practice of hesychasm is highly recommended for those determined to take the path of the monk. They give good advice and are calm, and their magnetism comes from an unconditional love of people.
PLUTO in the 23rd Mansion shows a person with a capricious temperament, sometimes vulcanic. They have some extrasensory powers, however often their feelings on an emotional level can hinder them. Every breaking of universal laws is harshly punished in the shortest time possible. They need to learn patience, modesty, humbleness and to put their faith in God before their own will.
LILITH in the 23rd Mansion shows a playful nature, rude sometimes the person does not recognize himself. They incline plotting and manipulation. They are possessive, especially with loved ones. They can cause arguments, and breakups through some intrigue or actions, be they conscious or subconscious. Their possessiveness is due to their lack of soul maturity for these individuals. They must first and foremost be careful of distractions that can affect the lives of others, and if they are worth loading their karma with such reproachable deeds.
THE NORTH NODE in the 23rd Mansion shows that their life’s mission is availability towards all that need them. They must learn to put themselves in other’s shoes develop empathy and experience the world not only through their eyes but also through the ones close to them. They will lead a life of sacrifice, often leading to situations when they will have to sacrifice something in their lives or some of their freedom for a good cause.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 23rd Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives has gained a lot. They sought to gain and to keep for the simple pleasure of having, to possess, and to add to their wealth. They were possessive when it came to their social, intimate, intellectual, and financial lives. They saved a lot fo money, tried to gather people close that would need them, they sought to take love, not to earn it. In this life, they must give. They must learn the value of sharing, and giving from all their soul, even to the detriment of their comfort.


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