Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 25º42’53” in Capricorn and 08º34’18” in Aquarius. In the Renaissance tradition, it is named Chadezoath, Caadachot, Caadachahot, Sadabath, Zaadescod, and Zaaldodothoth. It is also named Al Sa’d al Su’ud by Arab authors and Upeuritos by Coptic Greek astrologers. Arab astrologers say that this mansion is favorable for breeding cattle, the victory of soldiers, and conjugal partnerships, but it is unfavorable for exerting authority and provoking rebellion. During the rulership of this mansion, some make talismans for love, peace in relationships, commerce, and triumph over enemies, and magical works under its auspices aim at the destruction of actions or properties of others.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi links this mansion with the animal realm. Its divine attribute or associated name is “He who humbles himself” and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Dh or Dhal.
THE SUN in the 24th Mansion indicates a rather bad aspect in a natal chart. People who work in administration or people in power will be negatively influenced, especially if the post is higher.
THE MOON in the 24th Mansion shows a person with an important career, even sweeping that will eventually have an unhappy ending. Politicians or statesmen with this sign have illustrious careers that end in tragedy either from open defeats or from various compromises. When the native occupies a higher station, the more unhappy the ending will be. They may be happy in family life though, especially in marriage.
MERCURY in the 24th Mansion shows a person with a lot of inventiveness and lots of work of energy. They are loyal friends, even if he has a wide circle of friends. They don’t enjoy sacrificing one friendship for another and they don’t make hierarchies amongst friends depending on personal interests. These natives are advised to pursue trade and commerce as a trade and everything related to it, including economy, accounting, and banking, however, success will come on their own. Partnerships will end in fights and break-ups. They may have trouble with children who will be undisciplined and unruly.
VENUS in the 24th Mansion shows a native who is inclined towards a love life and who feels best with a partner. They will have a tendency to marry prematurely, however, those who will resist this temptation will fare better, marriage being always a decisive step that requires maturity. They are loving people, warm, open, and affable.
MARS in the 24th Mansion shows a native who is especially combative, and will always look to win at any cause and situation. They can be difficult people to deal with and will find a life partner with great difficulty because they believe everything is a battle.
JUPITER in the 24th Mansion shows a person who is destined for a political or administrative life, who will have trouble with the subordinates they will work with. They can become victims of political coups. scandals, revolutions, and revolts suffering more, the more higher or important their position is. The natives with this sign can enter politics and administration but are advised to avoid leadership roles or those with great responsibilities.
SATURN in the 24th Mansion shows a native with great problems with authority. The more the authority figure is experienced or old, the more it will repuse the native. This will manifest like a boomerang. As they grow older, they will lose their social standing and power to rule, they will become pariahs, not thinking of authority over those in other generations.
URANUS in the 24th Mansion shows a native who doesn’t fit into normal types of behavior and psychology. However, these people have a high degree of spiritual refinement. They are strange, see things from very different angles to the tradition most are used to, and solve problems in a completely unique and original way. They are inventive and innovative, and in any field of activity, they will be able to bring something fresh and new.
NEPTUNE in the 24th Mansion shows a person who has a lot of things to say but will not be heard. They have great souls, a good mind, and their intentions ar as good as they can get, however, the way in which they present them will drive people away. As the saying goes “nobody is a prophet in their village”. These natives will try to find followers abroad or in niche audiences. The more zealous they become and the need to be heard will increase, the more opposition they will face, and the closer this opposition will become, first unknown people, then colleagues, then neighbors and family.
PLUTO in the 24th Mansion shows a person whose strength is mutability. Everything they believe in this life can be changed and corrected. They can mold themselves based on the demands of the environments they act in and use this to their advantage. The great challenge will be to find themselves truly, not just as the sum of the multiple faces they show.
LILITH in the 24th Mansion shows an extremely rebellious and unruly person. The native will be a problem child and growing up he will become a problem teenager. In his adult life, he will detest listening and morals, conforming only to their own moral and behavioral code.
THE NORTH NODE in the 24th Mansion shows that the meaning of the natives’ current life is owning up to their responsibilities. Starting from the day-to-day ones up until the last choice they will make, these natives will be strongly impulsed, motivated, and rewarded but also sentenced from the perspective of owning up to risk and responsibilities.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 24th Mansion shows a soul that in previous lives suffered based on the decisions it made and owning up to responsibilities. Found in a position of power or protecting someone they love, they ended up taking upon themselves the guilt for many unpleasant situations created by others. In this life, they have many friends, and many people feel they owe them, but will also attract those who still want to gain from their kindness. They must learn to choose carefully and with good judgment and wisdom for whom they will sacrifice themselves.


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