Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
On the Zodial circle, it governs the domain between 17º08’37” in Sagittarius and 0º of Capricorn.
This Mansion was called Aldelbach, Albeda, Abeda during the Renaissance period, Elbelda, Al-Baldah by Arab authors, and Ni-Mamreh by Coptic Greek astrologers.
Arab astrologers say that this house governs money, buildings, and travel, but is unfavorable for relationships and marriages. From modern-adapted medieval sources, we can deduce that this lunar mansion influences finances, banks, accountants, economists, farmers, constructors, real estate agents, travel agencies, transport, but also sharing lawyers. During the time of this mansion or house, some made talismans for the welfare of crops, to increase wealth, and for the protection of buildings and travelers, but also spells meant to bring break-ups, misunderstandings, or divorce.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi says that this mansion corresponds with the sphere of earth, or the 4th elemental “heaven” found in the sublunar domain. It is the home of earth daemons, elemental beings known as gnomes, trolls in European folklore, or of the earth and sand jinn in the Arabic tradition.
Its attribute or divine name is related to the death aspect of God, or “The one who grants death”, and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Sad or the accentuated “S” sound.
THE SUN in the 21st Mansion indicates a brave, confident, and optimistic person with a lust for life. They rather see the positive side of things and know how to choose what life gives them to reap good results. They put a great emphasis on moral values, especially honor. They can be a bit impulsive and rushed, however, they can respect a hierarchically imposed order, especially if that hierarchy is fair. They are full of fairness and compassion, sacrificing the little they have sometimes for the benefit of those without possibilities.
THE MOON in the 21st Mansion shows a mellow, indecisive, trusting, and imprudent person. They are usually torn away from objective reality, obstinately refusing to conform even to the most elementary of norms for collective conduct, and they consider themselves unique. They can be typical rebels, rebellious persons in general without a specific goal, but who always crave to show their uniqueness and nonconformity. Once past youth, these natives will find themselves maladapted and obtuse in their social circles, developing a lot of existential anguish.
MERCURY in the 21st Mansion shows a person who always has trouble finding their place. They are fond of travel, and most likely will choose a career that will include many trips. Financially they are pretty well off, always having the possibility to provide for themselves or for what they desire through their intelligence and their ability to handle themselves. They are very lucky, benefit from good protection, and always seem to get away unscratched from dire situations. They are chatty and funny, but not as good as friends and they also don’t have real friends. They are wanderers and will find a place of their own with difficulty, possibly towards the end of their lives.
VENUS in the 21st Mansion shows a dreamy and insatiable person, especially emotionally. They are always open to new possibilities, always looking for something new and exciting, regardless of whether it is a job, a hobby, college, or especially a partner. Regardless of their lack of intimate devotion and horror for monogamy, these natives are still loving, open, empathic, and even philanthropic. They put a lot of effort into what they do and aim to please the people around them, even if they can’t always manage to do this with everyone.
MARS in the 21st Mansion shows a very active native with little control over their instincts and actions. They are passionate, strong, vigorous, and clinically healthy, however, their self-confidence can fuel their vices and weaknesses. Excessive passion may lead them to infidelity and thus to an unfulfilled sentimental life. Their vigor will lead to sexual excesses that will contribute to physical and energetic exhaustion or dysfunction of this nature. Their strength can surely take them through their own means to delusions of grandeur, and to eating excesses and bad hygiene that will cause trouble in the second part of their lives. Moderation is recommended as well as modesty to not fall prey to their own traps and excesses.
JUPITER in the 21st Mansion shows a person with good social status but with a career that will be fraught with problems. These natives know the ups and downs of career life, often moving from poverty to wealth, only to lose it again and start from scratch. They should pursue wisdom and the highest of morals to avoid these pitfalls, a life lived by the principles of simplicity and altruism can offer them balance.
SATURN in the 21st Mansion shows a predisposition towards chronic illnesses from which these natives will suffer at length. They are lonely, melancholic, and predisposed towards psychosomatic afflictions with which they will struggle in the last third of their lives. They are disappointed by their friends and entourage, most of them proving themselves to never really have been their friends. Starting out as wide-eyed dreamers when they are young, they may end up as old incurable skeptics, offering unconditional trust with difficulty.
URANUS in the 21st Mansion shows a kind and altruistic person who is way too imprudent when offering trust. They have many acquaintances but also many friends, and the lines between these two are rather thin. They try to please everyone, and promise many things, but rarely can keep all their promises. They are maybe too permissive, forgive many things, and can’t stay upset for long on someone, and neither can the others hold grudges against them.
NEPTUNE in the 21st Mansion shows a loving, tranquil, and lucky person. They are creative, very inventive, and know how to take care of themselves. They are attracted to long-distance travel, especially by water. They may have tense relations with women.
PLUTO in the 21st Mansion shows a person who is open to spirituality but also predisposed to suffering and sacrifice. Even though in youth they will have a tumultuous life filled with sexual excess and all manner of intoxication, maturity will bring wisdom, patience, and understanding. They are predisposed to chronic illnesses, especially in dissonant aspects to the other planets.
LILITH in the 21st Mansion shows a possessive, authoritarian, and even violent person. They are predisposed to sexual excesses, may have multiple partners, and love to explore their hidden sides, but also to manipulate others.
THE NORTH NODE in the 21st Mansion shows that the meaning of life for these natives is attaining wisdom through experience and suffering. Natives must go through all of life’s hardships( financial, moral, and emotional) to gain a strength of spirit and to test their limits.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 21st Mansion shows an entity that in previous lives went through many hardships and its soul was tempered in the service of evolution. Such a person is generally spared the hardships of life, however in the moment when they face them, they do it with serenity and trust, knowing instinctively that they went through similar experiences from which they emerged victorious.


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