Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 17º08’37” in Pisces and 0º of Aries. The last Lunar Mansion is named Anaxhe, Arcexe, Albotham, Alchalh, and Bathnealoth in the Medieval and Renaissance tradition, Al-Batn Al-Hut by Arabic authors and Artulosia by Coptic Astrologers. Arab Astrologers say this mansion is favorable for business, marriage, and couple happiness, but is unfavorable for the ill.
In the time of this Mansion, some make talismans for growing crops, maintaining captives, and for the good understanding between spouses, and the magical works done under its auspices aim the destruction of goods that belong to others and the success of travel by sea.
The Sufi Mystic, Ibn Arabi links this mansion to the Hierarchy of Degrees of Existence, the one presented in the 27 attributed categories of the mansions mentioned up until now. Its attribute or divinely associated name is “The one who gradually lifts”’ and in the Arabic Kaballah, its corresponding letter is Waw or the sound W or U.
THE SUN in the 28th Mansion indicates a successful person but with various problems. Marriage and love are strong domains, however, they will lack friends. They obtain professional success, but success also brings destruction and unhappiness to many. They may have important jobs related to law and money, in any case, a position in which their decisions will affect many people—the classical case of debt-specialized analysts, bankers, money lenders, and recoverers. They do these jobs with a content mind, knowing that its simply a job that someone else will do if not them. Natives are good people deep down but need to project this unscrupulous image, without regrets and with a sense of duty.
THE MOON in the 28th Mansion shows a happy marriage and a good relationship between partners, but tense ones with the people around. Partnerships of any kind will crumble, even though they start off well, only those based on love will be solid. They may have careers in the navy and in any fields related to water and ships but also commerce and agriculture.
MERCURY in the 28th Mansion shows a man with a good mercantile sense. They quickly discover their talent for negotiation and persuasion, a good sign for which they can pursue a lucrative career in commerce, financial transactions, and banking. They learn quickly that they are the only ones who can make it in their ventures and partnerships. Lending money isn’t recommended nor risking their careers for nobody, because this can cause their downfall. They may help others altruistically, however, partnerships, investments, and loans are not for them.
VENUS in the 28th mansion shows a calm, pacifist tranquil, and generally loving person. Love plays a special role in their lives, and are always looking for love which satisfies many even older people. These natives love and want to be loved, however not a few times their goals don’t correspond with their partners being the reason for suffering. They will marry without thinking and in most cases they will benefit from a wonderful marriage.
MARS in the 28th Mansion shows a possessive lover, often jealous even though they might not have a good reason. They have a territorial nature and will manifest even from childhood, and they become more possessive the more the relationship becomes serious. If they are possessive with the first lovers, with a husband or wife they will be even more. Marriage comes naturally for these natives and they consider it necessary, and will certainly find the right match. Even so, there are some good sides to this placement. These natives are devoted and have a sense of honor, are idealistic, and will defend the innocent or in danger.
JUPITER in the 28th Mansion shows a family-oriented person, a devoted spouse, and a loving parent. They will have many satisfactions professionally, however their careers will also bring discontent and suffering. They may choose to become a prosecutor, lawyer, judge, banker or financial inspector.
SATURN in the 28th Mansion shows a life marked by austerity and poverty. This might be their general social situation, the one they are born into or earned by ending up during the course of their lives. However, they will get to know the extremes of comfort and poverty. Those born into wealthy families will squander their wealth in various financial machinations, while those born poor will have chances to become wealthy numerous times during their lives. These natives may experience alienation or isolation, be it in hospitals, at home, or in the penal system. Also, these natives who have Saturn in this mansion must know that their hardships are part of their karma and debt to themselves from other lives.
URANUS in the 28th Mansion shows a loving, open, sociable, and intelligent native. They think their role is to make people feel good or to bring a smile where it’s needed. They might be passionate about mystical love, eros dreaming or even poetry and can have a good academic, artistic, or ecclesiastical career. Many priests are born under this sign, but also poets and artists that can change the world.
NEPTUNE in the 28th Mansion shows a person who is predisposed to creative and imaginative processes. They have a karma that indebts them to some extent to humanity, especially spiritually. They are prosperous, without worries, and a bit spoiled. When well-aspected this placement gives intelligent and evolved people sometimes geniuses, however when badly aspected it can generate hypocrisy and lies.
PLUTO in the 28th Mansion shows a person with an accentuated collective karma, tightly related to spirituality and science. Their research might lead them to scientific achievements, or intense spiritual experiences. They might benefit from extrasensory abilities, especially if they develop them wisely and honestly.
LILITH in the 28th Mansion shows a lustful, lascivious, and inclined towards pleasure. These natives are very sexually active and will have many partners. They will start their sex life quite early, being precocious here as well as in other domains. Marriage will depend on their capacity to dissimulate and hide their adulteries.
THE NORTH NODE in the 28th Mansion shows that the meaning of this native’s life is to learn to use love and live to its true value. They are old souls, with many previous lives and this incarnation is one of the nodal points in its existence as an incarnated soul.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 28th Mansion shows a soul that in its previous incarnation worked on personal spiritual ascension and evolution and relation with the unseen world. This aspect is very strange and ambivalent because these natives can seem to be outside terrestrial norms and were incarnated strictly to help others unconditionally, be it retrograded due to a serious mistake and having to start anew. Their demeanor and reactions will speak on their own about their status.


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