Written by Asterion
Translated by Frater Iustin
(Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.)
It governs the space between 21º25’45” in Scorpio and 4º17’10” in Sagittarius. Named Achala, Allatha, Axala, Azarala, Hycula, and Yenla in the Renaissance tradition, Al-Shaula by Arabic authors, and Karthian by Coptic Greek astrologers.
Arab astrologers say that this mansion governs armies, city sieges, regime changes, hunting, and catching of deserters and runaways, but also the safety of land roads, birth, and menstruation. It’s unfavorable for traveling by water, sailors, freeing of captives, commerce, and partnerships.
We can deduce from modern adapted medieval opinions that this Lunar Mansion influences the army, law enforcment, hunters, hunters, detectives, guardians, border guards, customs workers, drivers, obstetricians, and gynecologists. During the time of this domain, you can make talismans for bringing luck in general for success in the army but also charms meant for destroying ships, other’s property, or freeing prisoners.
The Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi says that this mansion corresponds with the Sphere of Air, or the second heaven of the elements, which is found in the sublunar realm. It’s the home of the daemons of air, elemental beings such as sylphs, elves, fairies from European folklore, jinn, or other spirits of the wind in the Arabic tradition. Its attribute or divine name is “The Living One”, and in the Arabic Kaballah its corresponding letter is Zay or the sound “Z”.
THE SUN in the 19th Mansion indicates a patient, cunning, and capable person. Always right and with a highly developed common sense and morality. These natives can easily attract the goodwill of their superiors through personal example and their tenacity. However, an unfavorable aspect of wealth and commerce, assures many worries along their lives.
Even though they are patient and prudent, they can suffer on occasion from excesses and rushing when making decisions. They may sacrifice their family lives for their careers, a reason why there may be ruptures between themselves, their children, or their parents.
THE MOON in the 19th Mansion is a difficult aspect, and it can mean misfortune, hardship, indecision, and ruin depending on aspects. Their lives are fraught with problems, difficult choices, and giving up on important things, such as professional rejections, mishaps in personal projects, and quitting from good positions. Women can experience genital problems but will have good chances of healing, mostly in regulating their menstrual cycle and difficult births. When badly affected, the Moon in this Mansion shows a difficult birth or even abortion, abundant menstruation and congenital problems related to the reproductive system, and the danger of venereal disease as well.
MERCURY in the 19th Mansion shows a lot of capability in what natives do but also a lack of productivity. They can’t do commerce, deals backfire and they have no talent for finance, not even for their own. They are lacking when it comes to strong nature, rigor, and the confrontational zeal needed to ensure their success. Apparently, they are in good relationships with the ones around, but sometimes show hypocrisy and perversion with or without their intent. They need to be corrected and controlled. They are rather uprooted, they travel a lot and is content with little. They can often change their homes because of legal or financial problems.
VENUS in the 19th Mansion shows a weak, effeminate person even in the case of men. They lack courage, daring, tenacity, and determination, and are often trampled upon by others. They will have trouble with women, especially in their emotional lives. Men will argue with their wives, girlfriends, lovers, sisters, and even daughters. Women will argue with the other females in their family, rivals, and ex-girlfriends. They will experience general health problems with their genitals and heavy menstruation.
MARS in the 19th Mansion shows a very active native, strong, determined, and well-defined when it comes to personality. This Mansion is governed by Mars, so these natives are in good health, physical shape, and resistance. They are also brave. These are strong, combative people with a fiery demeanor and often an irascible temperament, but who solve their problems on the spot, without any reflections or procrastination. They like to dominate, and this can make them vulnerable. They are constantly eliminating their adversaries. A fight with a rival is considered to be rare but also exciting. Even though they are irritable, egocentric, and foolhardy, these natives possess a lot of courage and a moral code from which they rarely deviate. They may have many tense relationships with their brothers or fathers, especially in late adolescence and adulthood.
JUPITER in the 19th Mansion shows a person with a precarious social status, with modest earnings and financial problems. They care about their careers, however will be confronted with numerous legal issues, trials, and even incarceration if they are not careful. They have trouble with their families, especially with their children and fathers with whom there will be a rupture during adulthood. When badly aspected, it can indicate the early death of the father. They are independent and responsible but don’t always show these qualities. They can put their friendships and partnerships in jeopardy, being inclined towards gossip, criticism, and arguing due to financial matters.
SATURN in the 19th Mansion indicates a lonely, self-doubting, and wary type of person. They are antisocial, and aloof and act cold towards those who try to approach them, even if they don’t deserve this. A good indicator of this type of behavior are planets with whom Saturn forms dissonant aspects, however their unpleasant temperament may be a native trait. They are negative people, who always think of what bad might happen first and who create their own problems even when these don’t seem to appear on their own. They constantly worry and tend to blow their problems out of proportion. They are lonely and think of themselves as being self-sufficient, they complain to others but also don’t allow themselves to be helped out of pride and pessimist thinking.
URANUS in the 19th Mansion shows a shifty native, dynamic, capricious, and always looking for new elements. They get bored easily and are always looking for something to satisfy their needs. They are not family-oriented, most likely adventurous bachelors.
NEPTUNE in this Mansion shows a shifty, lonely, and rebellious personality. They care little for other’s feelings and lead their lives according to their own norms and rules. Their moral code is as strict as the needs that define them, suffering changes every time it doesn’t correspond with their current needs.
PLUTO in the 19th Mansion shows a combative, irascible, person who also displays compulsive behavior. They want to achieve in all fields of interest, adopting often unorthodox methods for eliminating their competition. When it comes to qualms, they are very flexible, they know how to avoid the truth without lying directly, and how to manipulate the opinions of the ones around them. They are the type of spoiled child-adult that has been taught that everything is for their benefit. They have trouble with their family and relationships and possibly sexually transmitted diseases.
LILITH in the 19th Mansion indicates a perverse, vindictive, and deceptive person. These natives will have trouble with women, be it in their private lives or in public, threatening their position. They have a Machiavellian mind, always scheming unpleasant things to distract them or to make them win from the situation. The love to conquer, seduce and use others, and to emerge victorious in all areas of life. They are hypocrites and love to sow discord, making false or tampered claims to manipulate others to fight against each other. They are the adepts of the saying “When two are fighting, the third wins”.
THE NORTH NODE in the 19th Mansion indicates that the meaning of the life of the native is about retaking control and affirming their personality. They must learn through their hardships, and tribulations with which their destinies are fraught and become victorious and wise, fighting all obstacles and displaying their ability to fight and lead. These people have spiritual inclinations, they will be warriors of light, often militating for human rights or even martyrs for causes worth following. They must apply their courage, commitment, and tenacity in making choices, learning even to sacrifice their well-being for the good of others.
THE SOUTH NODE in the 19th Mansion indicates a soul that in other lives focused on fighting and power, crossing their fellow people. They fought all their lives with the ones around or with society, however in the virtue of personal gain and well-being. Such a person needs to learn the existence of the actual value of collective effort, teamwork, and the notion of altruism. They will need to see their goods sacrificed for the well-being of others and for their own priorities to be sidelined. Their supreme lesson is humility, acceptance, and modesty.


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