Written by Asterion
Translated by Fr. Iustin
Is the first out of the twelve runes of the norse magical alphabet.
The sound it represents is F, and its name means “Cattle” or “Wealth”. In the past, cattle were associated with wealth, owning a big herd showed a man’s community status, the wealth and prosperity of his household, but also a sign of a quiet, worry less lifestyle.
It’s shape represents the principle of goodness and can have multiple interpretations. It resembles a man with his hands raised towards the sky (the Heavens), representing praying and gratefulness. This reminds us that we can ask our Father for whatever we need, with the certainty of getting as much as we need, but also that we must express gratitude when receiving. Fehu’s shape represents also a young, fruitful branch gushing out of the trunk, or a thicker branch. This represents the work’s fruition and the naturally obtained success though hard work and perseverance. And not lastly, two affluent rivers spilling into a bigger one, meaning increasing forces, successes, wealth and harmony. Notably the two elements, be it seen as sacerdotal arms, tree branches of a tree or affluent rivers, they are positioned on the right side of the central line, meaning the positive side.
In a normal position, Fehu means wealth, earning, well-being, but also harmony and tranquillity. Is an especially good rune in a layout, announcing an abundant, profitable period. Depending on the question, the profit and abundance may manifest in different forms.
Socially foretells of success with people, fame and even promotion. The person’s fame can grow, can receive favourable appreciations and even praise, that must be modestly received.
In finances, Fehu announces earned income, duteous work being rewarded, work retribution, and the appreciation of those we work with, be it clients or bosses.
In the erotic domain, Fehu means understanding between partners, emotional and sexual compatibility, and general joy and fullfilment. Partners are open, mutually honest, working together for couple harmony.
In what concerns health, this rune brings a general state of well-being, good immunity and healing in case of disease. Recovery might be treacherous, but sure and long lasting. Fehu does not foretell overnight, like sudden recoveries, but the gradual and solid type, for which the patient must work hard.
In reversed position, Fehu signifies loss, decrease, bad luck, lack of harmony and feuds. Depending on the question, loss and bad luck can manifest in different forms.
Socially, the reversed Fehu announces the loss of benefits or attributions. May be the result of unjust actions or a dishonest attitude toward those around. We can loose fame, respect from others and the good image we’ve created can be easily ruined.
Financially this rune foretells losses. Be it virtual losses, like blocked accounts or stock market losses, or the actual loss of physical things, including money, it foretells the alienation of our possessions.
In erotic relationships, it foretells the lack of harmony in the couple, arguing and even separation. Depending on the nearby runes, may signify temporary apathy, suspicion over one’s partner, or even the loss of a partner for abject and frivolous reasons.
Health wise, may point to low vitality and an endangered immunity. There is risk of disease and we lack harmony in our systems. In this case, the disease may be uncomplicated, but unpleasant, like a biliary or gastric colic. colds, anemia or occasional migraines. We could have exhausted energy reserves, nausea or insomnia, and we must look for the cause of those in order to heal.
The second rune of the norse magical alphabet.
The sound it represents is U, and it’s name means “Wild Bovine”. The wild bovine is the ancestor of domestic cattle, that dominated European plains well into the Middle Ages. It was the symbol of primal force, of the animalistic power and of freedom. Uruz is the symbol of unbridled, unrestrained free forces, but also of brute energy and vitality.
The sign represents the silhouette of a wild bovine or it’s horns, but lacking in balance. The force is present, firmly grounded, but unevenly manifested. The lack of balance may lead to excess and then, to extremes, if a person is not cautiously manifesting power, force, energy and authority.
In an upright position, Uruz signifies force, control, dominion, governing and privilege, but also sudden changes. It’s a pendulous rune in a layout, bringing dynamism and reinforcing multiple other runes. Depending on the question, changes brought by Uruz may manifest in different forms.
Socially, foretells never before seen enthusiasm, a fulminating ascension and a sudden change on the material side.
Financially, Uruz foretells great, unexpected earnings, an undertaken risk paying off, but short-lived after all. We must be wisely aware of and carefully manage the earnings, because greater risks may appear, motivated by even greater gainings, that may lead to equally great losses, as sudden as they came.
Erotically, this rune signifies the primal attraction between two people, the animalistic magnetism, sexuality in it’s purest sense. For singles it foretell plentiful and passionate affairs, although short-lived. For couples, it contributes to sexual harmony, absolute fulfilment and passion, possibly revitalising a problematic relationship.
Healthwise, this rune foretells good health, plenty of vitality and endurance. Uruz is the symbol of physical force and vitality, of energy and adrenaline, coupled with a hunger for life that can completely reinvigorate someone. In case of disease, healing happens fast and sudden, unexpected and in a surprising manner.
In a reversed position, it of course signifies a variety of vices and weaknesses that may derive from the virtues described earlier.
Socially, a person is dominated by it’s surroundings, lacks power, and others take decisions in his/her place. The psychological power is at it’s minimum, same as motivation. If Uruz signifies unstoppable force, of course the opposite applies in a reversed position.
Financially, it brings major sudden losses and uninspired risks. Every gaining has its time, same as every loss.
In erotic relationships, may mean ignorance, insensibility, brutality even, but also misuse of energy, that might lead to sexual problems, for men as well as women.
Healthwise, may indicate decreased vitality, disease or depression, lacking the will to live, sadness or anxiety.
Is the third of the twelve runes of the Norse magical alphabet.
The sound it represents is TH, a specific Germanic languages sound, including English. It’s a T pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the upper teeth, resembling the sound S. In English, this sound appears in words like thing, think, thorn or thunder, but very different from the the Th sound in the, there, this, that resembles the sound Z more.
The name Thurs means “giant” and Thorn is self explanatory. In Scandinavian tradition, the Thurs were ice giants, primordial beings of immense power, dwelling in the frozen lands. Thurisaz signifies their destructive, brutal force and reagent violence. Meanwhile, this rune is associated with the thunder god, Thor, standing for protective and righteous force. Thurisaz may have various significations, but always drastic.
Its symbol is a straight line with a triangle forming in the middle of its right side. Its shape represents a thorn or splint, but also a weapon. It can have a benefic or malefic interpretation. The benefic force is Thor’s hammer, called Mjollnir, used to generate thunder and protect humans and well as gods, against evil forces. The malefic force is the battle axe of the ice giants, who’s sharpened edge was most feared.
In upright position, Thurisaz signifies raw power, abruptness, change, necessary sorrow. It’s an unfavorable rune in a layout, foretelling a tormenting period with relatively unpleasant sudden changes, disputes, fights and unrest. Depending on the question, this violent force may manifest in different forms.
Socially, foretells arguing, unfavorable changes in a situation and bewilderment. It points to the fight for surviving, supremacy and rebellion. The situation requires striving for what we most want, animating our inner warrior and bringing its power, courage and arduous enthusiasm to the surface.
Financially, Thurisaz represents enormous risk based on instinct, that may lead to substantial gainings or ruin. Usually this rune draws attention upon the lack of reasoning and hotheadedness, and it’s best to take it’s presence into consideration. A softer, more calm and patient character is required.
In erotic relationships, Thurisaz foretells passionate relationships, on the edge between enjoyable and animalistic. Is the sign of instinctual dominance, brutal force and irrepressible lust. One of the partners, usually the man, is extremely sensual, sexually active to the limits of obsession, brutal or even violent in bed, possessive and jealous. Frequent arguing ended not by healthy communication, but sex.
Healthwise, this rune brings abundant vital force, intense activity and energy. Excesses and exhaustion may appear.
In reversed position, Thurisaz is extremely negative.
Socially, reversed Thurisaz foretells disaster, scandal, lost battles, betrayed purposes and rapid downturn of authority
Financially, this rune foretells sudden loss of possessions or liquidities, fraud, bankruptcy, prejudice and even theft. All financial endeavours are to be postponed when this rune shows up, being a good indicator of disaster.
In erotic relationships, foretells extreme fights, thunderous break-ups along with, or even caused by, the violent lash out of one of the partners, chiefly the male. Thurisaz reversed shows frustration, guilt, remorse, but also blaming, reproaches and threats. Is the symbol of revenge and hate between two ex partners.
Healthwise, may indicate excess, overexertion followed by exhaustion or disease. Activity sustained in an unhealthy manner may lead to major hormonal, physical, psychological and energetic imbalance. The subject is sensitive to various attacks, pathogens and even violence from other people. Lesions may appear as a result of fights or attacks.
Is the fourth of the twelve runes of the norse magical alphabet.
The sound it represents is A, and it’s name means “God” or “Ancestor”.
In Scandinavian mythology, the Aesir were a race of Gods, similar to the ancient Greece’s olympians.
It’s shape is a vertical line, with two lines slanting down from the top and middle of it’s right side. Is the analog form of Fehu and we can interpret it in multiple ways. If Fehu represents a man with his arms raised toward the sky, Ansuz is the God with his arms lowered towards the ground. While Fehu is calling and praying, Ansuz is the God’s grace, the celestial gift, the divine vindication and the fulfilment of prayers. It’s shape resembles an entity’s silhouette lowering it’s arms to bless and offer protection and knowledge. If we associate it’s shape to a tree, it would be the fir tree, with it’s branches coming down from it’s trunk, offering protection and shelter to those below. Also, the fir tree’s strength, it’s vertical rising and it’s evergreen appearance, suggest the God’s power, immortality and truthfulness.
In upright position, Ansuz is the rune of communication, inspiration, well-being, truth, joy and prosperity. It’s a very beneficial rune in a layout, announcing a period of joy, openness and progress. Depending on the question, communication openness and inspiration can be manifested in different forms.
Socially, it foretells a good ascension, slow but sure, acquired through work and diplomacy. We are honoured by those around us, our accomplishments are recognised and we’re fairly praised. We pick up the fruits of our labour, able to leisurely enjoy them as long as we value the same positive, spiritual and moral principles.
Financially it foretells gainings and achievements, or better put, inspired choices and favourable directions, more in investments rather than spectacular gainings. It shows profitable businesses and honest gainings, but also economical understanding.
In relationships, the God’s rune is as beneficial as they come. Partners enjoy harmony and understanding, manifesting love, compassion, understanding and honesty. Relationships are based on fairness, truthfulness, loyalty and never before seen compatibility between partners. The partners are often destined to one another to the degree of soul mates. Vigorously trying to make their partner comfortable, giving and showing affection in all circumstances.
Healthwise, this rune brings plenty of health, well-being, increased immunity and tranquility. In case of ongoing disease, it foretells recovery.
In reversed position, Ansuz manifests the vices of communication and the deriving problems.
Depending on the question, the misunderstanding, lack of inspiration or confusion may manifest in different forms.
Socially, Reversed Ansuz foretells set-backs, slowing down or a stagnation period. Waiting to start new projects, but we keep on being pulled back. We may have to deal with confusion, faulty communication and even malicious words being thrown in our direction.
Financially, Ansuz reversed shows a set-back or minor loss.
In relationships, shows boredom, lack of inspiration, routine and stress. May also indicate a dishonest nature, miserly interests, manipulation, hidden things, gossip, lying and adultery.
Healthwise, Ansuz reversed may show lack of enthusiasm and energy, minor diseases and passing allergies.
Raidho is the 5th out of the 24 runes from the magical Nordic alphabet.
It represents the sound R, and its name means “chariot” or “carriage”. It’s part of the same family of Indo-European RADH, which in English means wheel. The Latin equivalent is “Rota”. Centuries ago, the horse and carriage were the most widespread means of transportation. The carriage is a major movement in which all of the items of the owner are transported temporarily or indefinitely. Its shape expresses, to our surprise, not a carriage, but a man who is stepping forward. He has one leg firmly on the ground and another stepping ahead. The significance of Raidho is movement and travel and we can interpret it in many ways.
In a normal position, Raidho stands for all kinds of beneficial change, progress, success, and acceleration. It’s a very beneficial rune in a draft, announcing a time of unexpected precipitations, synchronicities, and coincidences meant to ease our lives. Depending on the question, the journeys can be literal or symbolic and can be manifested in different forms.
In a social aspect, it foretells great progress. You will be able to surpass any obstacle and do it with great skill. You will move forward in your social group and grow in a good way. Also, it announces change that might appear sudden or surprising, however to your benefit.
Financially, Raidho announces monetary fluidity. Its time to act and use our instinct. We might lose or win suddenly.
Erotically, Raidho is beneficial and indicates that things are going well. Step forward into an ideal relationship. Things will happen quickly but naturally and your love life will be energetic and deeply satisfying.
When it comes to health, this rune brings health but also many changes. Raidho indicates evolution and progress, and in this case a speedy and resilient recovery.
When reversed, Raidho personifies not only obstacles and hindrances but also the wrong way we might be going. Depending on the question, misfortune might manifest under different aspects.
Socially, Raidho reversed stands for crisis, tardiness, procrastination, and promises unfulfilled.
It’s time to let go of big plans and focus on personal growth.
Financially, this rune shows a considerable depreciation of income, late payments, inactivity, and lack of profit. This is in no way the time for new investments, more likely the moment in which we should be patient and re-evaluate available options, avoiding radical decisions as much as possible.
Erotically it shows a lack of interest, arguments, and drifting apart, but more than anything, routine. There might be boredom in your love life, either from a lack of communication or an excess in it. It’s time to reflect if the person next to you is the right one or if it’s just a passing phase.
Concerning health, Raidho reversed indicates crisis, rigidity, and immobility. Bad health might hinder your mobility and shut you in your home literally. The possibility of ending up bedridden is up ahead either because of physical, psychological or emotional ailments. There is also a predisposition towards melancholy, depression, and pathological introversion.
It’s the 6th out of the 24 runs of the Nordic magical alphabet and from the first set of 8, Freya’s aett.
It represents the sound C or K and its name means “torch” or “flame”. Its significance is tightly tied to the previous rune. Kenaz is the torch that lights the path, the lighthouse that guides the traveler or sailor. If Raidho is an astronomical allusion to the constellation “Ursa Major” or the Chariot, Kenaz is its torch or the North Star which shows sailors where the North is. Commonly it’s the “light at the end of the tunnel” with all its meanings. Its shape expresses a stylized flame or tongue of fire.
In a normal position, Kenaz stands for the active element. The strong, expansive engine of motion and its motive. It’s the spark that starts everything, the original impulse from which can begin the process that we have in mind. It’s a very good rune for action, announcing a time of intense activity and of high energy. Depending on the question the dynamism of Kenaz can be expressed in various forms.
Socially it foretells the discovery of many aspects that up until now were forgotten, unveiling secrets that will help you. You will benefit from executive power, from freedom of action and decision, but also from a lot of responsibility.
Financially it shows a sudden growth and considerable profit. It can also stand for assumed risk in order to obtain the desired profit.
Erotically this rune represents the man, or at least the active person in the couple and the diviner can find out more things about him. It can also symbolize sexual energy, passion and newness, a pleasant surprise, and fiery feelings.
When it comes to health, this rune brings a lot of vitality and energy. The sick will experience a quick and safe recovery.
In a reversed position, Kenaz is wild energy, an out-of-control mind, and an unrestrained vice.
Depending on the question, the instability and negativity of Kenaz reversed can manifest in different forms.
Socially, Kenaz reversed announces disaster, disillusion, false expectations, and compromises. Some ugly truths might come to the surface, weaknesses and hidden vices. You are vulnerable out of your own fault and lack of wisdom. You will have to now pay for your lack of prudence.
Financially, this rune shows loss because of taking stupid chances, rushing, and lack of judgment. Particularly in the domain of finance, Kenaz reversed is the rune of carelessness, hurry, and bad judgment. It can also mean the victory of your rival.
Erotically, it shows weakness. The couple suffers from routine, and lack of creativity and activity. When it comes to procreation or having a baby, Kenaz reversed shows infertility in one of the partners. The relationship is insatiable and full of misunderstandings and fights. There is a lack of communication. If you are seeking new relationships, it warns you about rushing into things and irrational passions which can lead you into very unpleasant situations.
When it comes to health, it can indicate physical weakness and a frail immune system. Hope for recovery is low and is accentuated by the negative expectations of the ill person. Usually, it shows short suffering, crisis of vitality, or lust for life which can be redressed in a few days. However, it also depends on the runes it is associated with in order to have a more precise reading.
Its the 7th from out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet and the penultimate out of the first set of eight.
It represents the sound “G” and its name(Gifu or Gebo) means “gift”, “present” or “generosity”
Centuries ago, every new relationship was sealed with a gift from both of the partners, thus the gift became the symbol of all kinds of relationships. Its shape expresses the idea of an honest exchange, evoking the stylized form of arms that offer gifts to one another.
Gifu represents equal forces that meet, that are of opposite genders, and coincide by nature. Each line between the two makes up the entire length, each inclination, and each orientation, but the point in the middle unites all of them. The same as in every human relationship, each partner has its own qualities, defects, properties, and attributes, however, what they offer is the link between the two and their common point. Up until now, we studied the positions of the runes in two variants: the positive and the negative, which means normal or reversed. However, what do we do with Gifu since it looks the same in any position? Gifu is part, along with the other 6 runes that we will study in time, of a group of symmetrical runes that look the same regardless of position. They symbolize general things, and depending on the runes around them, they can have more profound meanings.
This rune is a good omen in a draft, it announces a time of happiness, of fulfillment, and of prosperity. Because of its dual aspect, Gifu is associated almost always with love, romantic and sexual union, and even marriage. In the old German world, a marriage could be seen as a simple transaction of titles or a good understanding between two families. Peace relations between countries, regions, and tribes were sealed through the marriage of the children of the leaders, with all the financial implications that came from such a union.
Depending on the question asked, the force of Gifu can manifest in different forms. Socially, it foretells of a great success and great personal charisma. A great partnership is afoot, a friendship that will bring many benefits.
Financially, Giffu announces an unexpected gift, a reward. We can attain profit following our activities, or we receive a sign of friendship from someone through an unexpected gift.
Erotically, its always the sign of love, of relationships, and of good understanding. For single people, it announces a relationship that is expected to manifest, a link in the near future or a confirmation of hidden feelings towards a beloved person. Partners are deeply satisfied, the content of each other and aren’t looking for anything outside the relationship to meet their needs. In a draft whose purpose is to find what is necessary for a happy relationship, Gifu can signify the gift or sacrifice: let us not forget that the most beautiful gift for the loved one is sacrificing of own interests, desires, and impulses in order to maintain the happiness of both.
Concerning health, this rune brings vitality, health, optimism, and joy. Exceptions you are looking for the cause of the affliction: Here Gifu can indicate that the origin of the disease is the contact with another person, in specific cases, it can indicate sexually transmitted diseases because of its symbolism related to relationships.
It’s the 9th out of the 24 runes from the Nordic magical alphabet, and its also the last rune from the first set. The Aettu of Freya.
It represents the sound “W”, a sort of a closed vowel, like in the English “What” or “Want”. It is also rarely pronounced as V. The name “Wunjo”(pronounced Wunyo or Unyo) means “joy”, “ecstasy” or “glory”.
In the past, this rune was associated with victory, peace, and lack of worry or suffering. It was also associated with Walhalla, the citadel of the forefathers where the souls of warriors went to after death to find peace, a sort of temporary heaven for the Vikings.
Its shape is easily confused with Thurisaz, thus we must remember the differences between the two: Wunjo looks like the letter P, just as Raidho looks like the letter R. Its shape is mysterious, but you can distinguish the shape of a stylized cup made out of a horn, the symbol of rest after prolonged effort. Wunjo expresses joy, happiness, and tranquility, however, short-term success, is the illusion of fulfillment in a moment, and it can be interpreted in many ways depending on the position we draw it and the domain in question.
In a normal position, Wunjo is a good rune in a draft, announcing a time of rest, contentment, and happiness. Depending on the question asked, they can manifest in different forms.
Socially, it foretells great fortune and the fulfillment of all plans you have endeavored recently. You are at peace with yourself and all you have accomplished and are in good relations with the ones around us.
Financially, Wunjo announces joy and winnings, however, a more accurate description would be a time with no worries or risk.
Erotically, Wunjo signifies happiness, and love between two partners. They are both a source of joy for one another. The couple is balanced, harmonious, happy, and free from fights or worries.
When it comes to health, this rune brings general health, optimism, and lust for life. In the case of the terminally ill who are in great pain, Wunjo means the end which comes as a release for the dying.
In a reversed position, the benefits of Wunjo are late to come and can be the source of dissolution if not proper issues. Depending on the question asked, the foretold problems can manifest under different aspects.
Socially, Wunjo reversed announces the decline from a comfortable position with which you were accustomed with. Increased attention for those who enjoy the fruits of others’ labor, and those who “work” by doing nothing, because those good days are coming to an end.
Financially this runes show loss of some money, of some funds or some possibilities of earnings that we thought were sure. Risks must be avoided, and we shouldn’t get excited at the first sign of success because everything can be overturned at the lat moment because our drive and excessive trust.
Erotically, it shows that love life is unpredictable, and upside down. There are fights misunderstandings and a lack of communication. Things are not as they seem.
When it comes to health, it can it can indicate the decline of immunity and diseases tied to vices that you may cultivate. The main idea of Wunjo reversed when it comes to health is that everything we don’t like harms us, and also that everything we like heals us. Complacency in bad, unhealthy habits brings us down little by little.
Hagalaz is the 9th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet, and it is also the first rune out of the second set, its Aett is Heimdall.
The sound it represents is H, and its name means “hale” or “stone”.
In the past, hale was the destructive activity of nature, the manifestation of weather that destroys crops and saplings. Thinking this through, we cannot regret destruction, since nature is everything it gives. Hagalaz is the first symmetrical rune, having the property of looking the same regardless of how it is drawn. This rune has two forms, one belonging to the old runs, and another to the new. This new rune looks like a snowflake, with three lines overlapped over each other at 60-degree angles, however, we will look at the old one.
The ancient form of Hagalaz is also made of 3 lines, two vertical and parallel united by a third oblique. They would have stayed a mystery if it wasn’t associated with cave paintings from the bronze age which show it on one side, with the line in the middle doubled. This signifies the sky and the earth, united by a violent rain with hale or a snow storm, bent by the wind, particularly to the harsh autumns and winters from the North.
This is a negative rune in a draft, announcing a time of balancing both positive and unpleasant elements. Looking at it from another angle, negativity is the way in which we interpret warnings.
Often times we find ourselves in situations that we interpret as evil or punishments, without realizing their true nature. They are lessons that we must learn, erroneous models which we need to let go and necessary things that we must realize.
Financially it shows uninspired risks and losses. It can mean in the best of cases legal problems, delays, procrastination, and stagnation, and in the worst of cases important losses that are difficult to recover from in good time.
Erotically, this rune is unfortunate, showing stagnation, routine, coldness, crisis, and fights. Its par excellence a sign that partners are just not made for each other. Many relationships in life will be cataloged as bad because we don’t see that we attract the people who should make us unlearn. Attachment to a kind of partner who will be ripped from multiple relationships, in order to experiment all possible scenarios. Hagalaz in love life signifies estrangement but it can also be the sign of the end of a relationship to start from scratch, the destruction which makes way for a new beginning.
When it comes to health, this rune brings illness, suffering, and recovery. We a often times the victims of our own ignorance and health is the first domain in which the subconscious warns us. Every disease or suffering has a spiritual cause, and it’s our responsibility to find the cause, understand it, and accept its teachings before hoping for an undeserved cure.
It’s the 10th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet and its also the second rune from Heimdall’s Aett.
It stands for the sound N, and its name means “need” or “necesity”. Its shape indicates a scale out of balance. It is a negative rune just as Hagalaz in a draft and it announces a time of poverty both literarely and figuratively.
Nauthiz represents the need to have, to obtain, be it something that is really necessary, or something that we believe will make us happy. Nauthiz is the void, the emptiness inside which many try to fill, be it with material possessions, money, fame, or cheap thrills. It’s the need for something that cannot be expressed and needs to be fulfilled out of cowardice with something we don’t really require. Nauthiz teaches us the courage to search deep inside ourselves to find what we really need. It’s a signaling rune, which warns us that we are not doing what’s right. Through our actions, we create unbalance in our life or the others, or we facilitate its manifestation. Depending on the question, it can manifest in different forms.
Socially it foretells a significant lowering of status. We lose ground in front of our rivals, we lose the trust of our friends and relatives, and we are constantly placed second in their priorities. Its the time to start working again and earn all the things we used to enjoy with honest effort.
Financially Nauthiz announces, just like Hagalaz, loss, poverty, delays, and necessity. We don’t have part of luxury and can’t afford more than what is necessary for survival. In a financial draft, this rune announces egoism, lust, and decadence, and we are advised to take the path of modesty and bare necessities.
When it comes to health, this rune announces a time of weakness, vulnerability, and lowered immunity. We need to be careful with our bodies and offer it the care that it need and not allow it to fall prey to excesses. What is beyond your basic needs can cause harm and expose you to danger.
Erotically, this rune attracts attention that there is an imbalance between what we want and what we really need. We impose unrealistic and rigid standards onto our partner without thinking of their perspective. Our thoughts go above deeds, and tensions don’t waste time in appearing. We are unfair or we are the target of injustice. Nauthiz brings discomfort, fickleness, and discontent, but also reflection concerning true priorities.
Its the 11th out of the 24 runes from the Nordic magical alphabet, and the third rune from Heimdall’s Aett.
It represents the vowel I or an open I, like in the word “Ice” or the y in “Eye”. Its name means “ice”. In the past, in Scandinavia, ice was the omnipresent element of winter, the symbol of stagnation. Even though we don’t know how the ancient Scandinavians saw ice, be it feminine or masculine, it is definitely the opposite of fire. Without times of frost, nature wouldn’t rest and the cycles of life would be perturbed, without rest, work would not produce results.
Ice symbolizes matter, a lifeless inert mass to which fire gives its vital impulse. If fire didn’t exist, ice would remain forever solid, and if ice didn’t exist, fire wouldn’t have anything to melt, there would be no spring. It’s one of the 9 symmetrical runes that look the same regardless if it appears in a normal or reversed position.
Its shape expresses the greatest of simplicity: a vertical line without any other element and we can interpret it in different ways because of its simplicity. First of all, most runes contain at least one vertical line, so it’s fair to say Isa contains the static potential upon which force acts. The vertical line symbolizes ice and because it seems straight, it is unmoving and solidified. These are the main ideas behind this rune.
In a draft, it is a neutral rune which accentuates the meaning of the runs around with which it is drawn. Depending on the question, stagnation, pause, and “freezing” can manifest in different forms.
In the social domain, it announces a cease of plans, a delay to which you arrive naturally and predicted. Even though it can be associated with inner frustrations and worries on the basis of delays, Isa represents most likely a static point, quiet and calm in which we can reorient our course of action and re-evaluate the situation to find clarity and wisdom from within. If we don’t feel pursued by our families and friends, it doesn’t mean that they abandon or don’t care about us, but they give us time to be alone with our thoughts.
Financially, Isa is equally neutral as the social domain. Our finances stagnate, regardless of their current state. A bad financial state that stagnates is obviously a negative thing, while if great earnings stagnate they are just considered to be constant. We must move beyond subjective judgment and see the freezing of our economic flow as a sign of change.
Erotically, things stay the same, however with a slight negative twist. Love life becomes monotonous, full of routine and there seems to be a sort of dissatisfaction for both partners. Communication is reduced to zero and the behavior is cold and distant. It announces major changes for each partner, however the nature of these can only be defined based on the other runes Isa appears with.
Concerning health, this rune brings an excess of coldness, winter illnesses(regardless of season), or a recovery. We may be bedridden or constrained and quarantined in our own homes. More severe cases indicate hospitalization for a few days or at least the restriction of personal liberties we are used to. Health is in a precarious state, and there is a lack of vitality, appetite, or even depression. Isa brings everything that means retreat, isolation, seclusion, and any situation in which we become aware of solitude. This can be physically real like in the case of hospitalization an isolation, be it mental or psychological, like in the case of depression in which someone feels alone no matter how surrounded by other people.
It is the 12th out of the 24 runs of the Nordic magical alphabet, and also the 4th rune from the second Aett.
It represents the sound associated with the letter J in Scandinavian languages and sounds more like a closed I or more Y rather than a J. In the English language, the sound Y as it appears in the words like “yes”, “young”, and “Yahoo”.
Long ago, especially in Scandinavia, progress, abundance, and light were associated with the warm seasons like spring and summer which came exactly after winter, just as Jera came after Isa. After the stagnation announced by Isa, it announces harvests, warmth, joy, and the fruits of labor. It is one of the 9 symmetrical runes that look the same regardless if it’s drawn in a normal or reversed position.
Its shape expresses natural cycles, the two seasons in the north that succeed themselves. From a Hermetic standpoint, the shape of Jera is very important, displaying the two eternal forces: Masculine and Feminine, Hot and Cold, Static and Dynamic, etc.
It’s important because they are not perfectly balanced, one always being above the other. When this happens, the Law of Vibration determines the change of places, the predominant element becomes dominated and thus motion is born. Taking into account the climate cycles as an example, during winter, the cold dominates and the feminine side dominates the masculine power of heat. We see this even in gender succession, patriarchy giving way to matriarchy which will later be succeeded by another patriarchy. Even love life has these accents, one of the partners always being on top sooner or later and the reverse. Jera has a multitude of meanings and depending on the question, we can interpret it in different ways.
It’s a positive rune in the draft, announcing a time of plenty, wealth, fertility, and satisfaction, however, and of the proverbial “turn of the wheel”.
Socially, it predicts great changes, often beneficial. Close ones will see us in a new light, work colleagues will notice our efforts and congratulate us on our successes, and our managers will observe us critically but pleasantly surprised of our evolution at work. We enjoy the fruits of our labor and we are going with “the flow” so we should rejoice. Social success brings prosperity and contentment both in the personal realm and in our family lives.
Financially, there are rewards for the effort we put in and for the results of our work. There may be a change in earnings, like a pay increase or a bonus, unexpected benefits like inheritances, lottery jackpots, success at the stock market or simply a favorable and satisfying financial state.
Erotically, things are going from good to excellent. Tensions between partners disappear, there are small and fun cat-and-mouse games, teasing between lovers, and those differences in character that make a relationship unique. Even though one partner will dominate at home, in society the roles will change, just as in other areas of love life: when one is detriment, the other will have his/her turn to be dominated. Things are going well. Partners get along and complete each other and all inequalities and unbalances transform into a diverse mosaic of emotions and feelings.
Concerning health, this rune brings recovery, and victory over disease. In extreme cases it can be a sign of alarm, announcing the resurgence of an older affliction we haven’t been paying attention to lately.
It’s the 13th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet and the 5th from the second set, the aett of Heimdall.
The sound it represents is Ae or Ai and its name means “yew”. In the past, Yew was symbolically tied tightly to death, immortality, and the afterlife. Its shape expresses the duality of the worlds as they were perceived by the ancients: the upper hook is our world, and the one below is the world beyond. The two are actually the same world, they are part of the same divine reaction, just that they are in different stages of manifestation and solidity, making us believe that they are separate.
Eiwaz is a problematic rune, just like the thirteenth major arcana of the Tarot, it has the same meaning: Death, Change, Initiation, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Eiwaz doesn’t have a negative form, it’s one of those special symmetrical runs that look the same regardless of how it is positioned.
It’s a powerful rune in a draft, strengthening the meaning of the other runes around and announcing major changes. Depending on the question asked, force, motivation, tenacity and the trust Eiwaz offers can manifest in different forms.
Socially it announces sudden loneliness or exile. Known ones no longer contact us and we are left alone almost from all around. This is in no way a bad thing, but a signal that we need to change something about ourselves and that now we have to chance to meditate on this in silence and withdrawal in order to fulfill it. It’s the time in which we can make drastic changes in our lives, and the boldest of choices. Far away relatives may appear as well as long-forgotten friends, people whom you won’t believe you would ever meet again. We need to be very careful concerning the circumstances of these meetings because they will reveal elements of our lives that we have forgotten and pushed aside.
Financially, we are dealing with a time of scarcity, poverty, or just a major blockage of money and cash flow. This is in no way meant to punish or to create discomfort, but in it, we need to see the inherited blockage of each normal flow. We need to carefully assess our situation be content with with what we have and return to the humility required of every person. Financial problems come when our attention is drawn to our values or our systems of values, obliging us to straighten ourselves out both in spirit and soul as well as in our daily needs. Our attitude towards our earnings needs to be correct, and the more we will try to save, the ore difficult this blockage will be.
Erotically, it shows a rather difficult but very important time, full of teachable moments. The lonely will experience even greater loneliness, being compelled to reevaluate their standards when searching for a partner. Often times we want more from people who are ultimately just as imperfect as we are, or we focus on superficial details such as how much money they have, how beautiful they are or what sign were they born with. These are trifling things compared with actual knowledge of the soul and characters of the people we get involved with. For couples, it announces a time of arguing and heated discussion in which both express their repressed feelings, ignored grievances that were “swept under the rug”. The purpose of these fights is in no way breakup, but deeper knowledge of the two partners. When too many things are kept under lock and key, left to silence or forgotten, they don’t stay there permanently, but erupt when the last drop fills the cup of suportability.
When it comes to health, this rune brings a time of suffering or recovery. Rarely does it mean death, and only when the question asks about this directly.
It’s the 14th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet, and the 6th out of the second Aett.
It represents the sound P, and its name (Per-Thro, as in the English word “throw”) means “cup”, “vulva” or “vagina”.
In the past, destiny was associated with a game of dice of the gods. Luck seemed to be just as random for the one who didn’t know the laws of the Universe as a game of dice, however, the old sorcerers could find out the possibilities and probabilities and combination of dice. If the dice is the luck or misfortune of a man, the cup with which the old ones would mix the dice is the supreme unknown in which the destinies of everyone are mixed and decided.
Its shape expresses a cavity, an opening and we can interpret it in many ways. The glass or cup represents since ancient times the profoundness of initiation, and knowledge. The sacramental cup for Holy Communion, the Holy Grail, the cauldron of the witches, above mentioned mixing cup for dice, and the caves of the old oracles. All closed, deep, and profound things were seen as gates through which man could enter and exit to gain knowledge and wisdom.
Also, it represents the sacred allegory of the female sex, the vulva and vagina being always seen as symbols of fertility, fecundity, birth, and renewal. The god Mithras was born in a cave, Jesus Christ is born and resurrected in places hollowed out of stone, and the Greek initiates lived in subterranean caverns. The idea is that of death and renewal because Perthro follows after Eiwaz. If the rune before symbolized death, the world beyond, Hel, Pethro stands for return, rebirth, and victory over death.
In a normal position, Perthro is beneficial but mysterious, hidden and only partially revealed.
Socially it tells of a rebirth, renewal of old bonds which we believed long lost. We are coming back with new strength, and have a lot to do, and feel reborn and reinvigorated. We have fresh powers and a drive to work which fits very well with our new attributes that come to test our devotion and dedication.
Financially, there are beneficial changes afoot, sometimes unexpected. After a time of financial stress and stagnation, money seems to fow in again, comfort increases, debtors remember their promises and honor them, sometimes with unexpected interest in order to reward us for our kindness and patience. The little we have becomes substantial and more rich, and we also regain the joy of work.
Erotically, things are excellent, there is harmony, understanding and peace. Couples rediscover themselves, they fall in love again, discovering something new that makes them work. Single people become adventurers and take part in new romantic conquests with an active sex life.
Health-wise, this rune brings healing and recovery from a long-lasting illness. We have all hopes of recovering our optimism. We can stand on our own two feet and regain our strength, lust for life, and are grateful for our healing.
When reversed, Perthro announces murky situations in which we fall deep into, oftentimes because of our own fault. Depending on the question, changes and lessons can manifest in different aspects.
Socially, Perthro reversed announces loneliness and obscurity. We aren’t as memorable as we remembered, we are placed for one reason or another in the shadows, and our opinions aren’t taken into consideration and we feel that we aren’t even noticed by the ones around us. This can lead to melancholy and depression from which we can exit only by evaluating our priorities and goals.
Financially, this rune shows moments of stagnation, problems, and hindrances. We the future to some extent, and we know what to expect. Also, this reversed rune shows that we might unfortunately project our negative expectations onto the future. The mechanism is not predictive, but projective. We don’t know the negative result of our actions, but we attract it through thoughts and mental scenarios.
Erotically, it shows a bad mood and most of the time secret affairs. In a couple, Perthro reversed usually shows adultery and female infidelity or fights ensuing after these.
When it comes to health, it can indicate illness. Be it because of a venereal affliction of a reproductive nature in general, or because of a typical feminine affliction. Perthro shows the hidden nature of the disease. It’s good to do a complete set of medical checks to make sure everything is in order.
It’s the 15th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet and the 7th from Heimdall’s aett.
It represents the sound Z, or an intermediate sound between Z and R, and its name is “elk” or “stag”. Long ago, this rune was associated with the god Heimdall, the tutelar god of the set, the god of crossroads, and the guardian of entrances. Heimdall is the ever-watchful guardian, never sleeping, the one who can even hear the grass grow and the leaves falling. He is the god of protection and all kinds of tests. Its shape expresses a man with open arms and fingers but also a stylized tree or even the horns of a stag. The horns are the symbol of protection and rulership. The open hand is a symbol as old as the world, in all cultures, it means protection against evil or malefic influences. We might interpret the shape of the man with open arms as a priest or oracle which has a direct link with the world beyond, the guardian that knows all that passes through the Gate of Life.
In a normal position, Algiz stands for balance, wisdom, prudence, and protection. In a draft, it is a good rune, announcing a time of stability in the current process, but also a rune that attracts attention upon possible mishaps. Depending on the question, the protection and cautiousness of Algiz can manifest in different forms.
Socially it foretells the stability of the current obtained state. Any earned good through hard work is well deserved, and the fruits of your work contain the seeds for future projects. We are keeping the job we won and we can be relieved if our worries are directed in this aspect. We are benefiting from divine protection and will continue so as long as we cherish morality, correctness, and practical wisdom.
Financially, this rune signifies certain well-being. We are fine and we should be happy with what we have. Luxury isn’t necessary here for survival, neither is happiness because it is only an illusion. We shouldn’t compare our financial state with that of others so that we may not become jealous, and neither should we compare ourselves with those who have little, because we might become prideful. We must aim for the bare necessities and with the place we are in now.
Erotically, it shows a good understanding and perfect dynamics for couples. Partners are completing each other, and they know their needs, desires, and mutual expectations, and they try to fulfill them in the most harmonious way possible. One of the partners, usually the man, is more protective and will tend to take care of his partner, while the woman will fulfill the need of the man to be a protector.
Concerning health, this rune brings good health, balance, and serenity. In extremely rare cases, like accidents that might put one’s life in danger or prolonged comas, this rune shows the link between the one in danger and the world beyond. It can be the rune of clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Other than this, Algiz is a sign of balanced health, without small afflictions man would no longer be man, such as rare migraines and passing colds. Vitality is good there is an indication of a lack of energy or sudden bursts of energy that can manifest in an unhealthy manner.
When reversed, Algiz is always a warning, an alarm bell to which we must pay attention. Depending on the question, the danger to which Algiz draws our attention can manifest in different ways.
Socially, Algiz reversed tells us of a bad situation. We are doing something wrong, we hurt the ones around us somehow, and we become vulnerable. Our position can change and there are upcoming issues adjusting. We don’t enjoy the new changes, but they are necessary to make us see where we did wrong. We need to be extremely careful about the way we talk, think, act, and behave so that we may not break laws of conduct. We are threatened with withdrawn divine protection that we enjoyed up until now and we need to re-evaluate our actions towards properly asking forgiveness for what we did.
Financially, this rune shows loss or decrease. If up until now we were lucky, now we need to be careful in actions and wise in deeds for what comes easy can also easily disappear. We must save money to live and to pay all our dues and first and foremost to not borrow. Any credits or debts are discouraged, leading to the most unpleasant of situations. Gambling, ambitious projects, and businesses are also discouraged. During this time, we only stand to lose.
Erotically, this rune shows a bad time, misunderstanding, and discord. Couples don’t communicate too well, taboos may intervene in which one partner doesn’t want to participate, the the detriment of the other. Communication suffers in this case and things turn cold. Partners don’t protect each other anymore and no longer work for the happiness of the other, instead they tend to their own needs and impulses which leads to arguments and misunderstandings.
In health, it can indicate a bad flow of vital energy in the entire body. A check-up is highly recommended here to see if something is wrong. We can pick ourselves up and raise our vitality up that our whole being is aligned with the ones around us, with nature, and last but not least with our spirituality. Algiz reversed is the classical sign of moving away from God and of rebellion, of forgetting of the celestial and supernatural origin of the human spirit, the root of many diseases.
It is the 16th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic Magical Alphabet, and it closes Heimdall’s cycle from the second set of 8.
It represents the sound S, and its name is Souwlo (related to the Latin Sol), meaning “Sun”. Another name for this rune is Sig or Sigel (Siegel).
Long ago, the Sun was one of the focal points of veneration, the brightest and most luminous visible object in the heavens. It dictated the natural cycle as well as the human one. Its shape expresses power and light, a flash, but also a simplification of an older solar symbol: the swastika.
Sowulo is a symmetrical rune and cannot have a reversed position. It is a profoundly positive rune in a draft, oftentimes amplifying the power of other runs it is close to. Depending on the question, the success, strength, and power of Sowulo will manifest in different forms.
Socially it fortells the attainment of goals and social ascension. We are benefiting from a great success and we have the graces of our managers, we are liked by our work colleagues and gain authority and the power to decide. Sowulo is the rune of leaders, which means a promotion into a position of leadership. However, we must be careful how we behave in this position, being careful and owning to the responsibilities that come with it.
Financially, we have success and abundance. A time of growth and gain is to follow when we can make investments, even those that involve more risk. We are “going with the flow” and luck is with us. We may receive pleasant surprises, unexpected earnings, and benefits. Our debts are forgiven and we rebuild ourselves financially after a time of stagnation which will raise our morale.
Erotically, the Sun rune is as beneficial as it gets. Things are going well, the relationship is evolving, and taboos are leveling pre-existing harshness. There is a good understanding within the couple and great optimism for the future. We may develop family plans or even children. The sexual dynamic is very good, and both partners are satisfied.
Concerning health, this rune brings a lot of vitality, lust for life, energy, and balance. Positive changes in life are directly reflected in health and vice-versa. We are full of momentum and have good energy, strength for work, optimism, and a rare kind of joy that is contagious for the ones around us. These are the times when we simply radiate as if nothing stands in our way.
It is the 17th out of the 24 runes of the Nordic magical alphabet, it is also the first rune of the out of the third set of 8, named the Aett of Tyr.
It represents the sound T, and the name Tiw or Tyr are variants of the Scandinavian-Germanic god of the sky. Long ago, the most celebrated god, Odin, was considered to be the son of Tyr. It’s very close to the Greek “Theos”, Tiw is the good God, lord of the heavens who sends his son to rule but to also suffer, an interesting likeness to Christianity. Tiw is the god of sacrifice, but not the sacrifice of others, but of one’s self, of the ego, of personal interests for the good of others.
Its shape expresses sacrifice and we can interpret it in many ways. The three lines converging can represent a spear, a root, or a man. The Spear is the weapon of the god, in his role as a god of war and victory, he promises protection to those wearing it. If we look at the shape of the rune as a root, it will remind us of our origins, the longest root being the most ancient part of our souls. If we look at the shape of a man with open arms at a 45-degree angle, we will see a person who is filled with joy and peace, but also shrugging, someone who faces all life’s tribulations with optimism.
In a normal position, Tiwaz is one of the most beneficial and powerful runes that can be extracted. Depending on the question, Tiwaz announces protection, victory, and success in different forms.
Socially, it foretells an ascension, an elevation of a situation. Justice is being done in regard to anything that is corrupted or perverted. Things are set in order and the fair and oppressed have their rights restored. Honesty, truth, logic, and clarity reign and all unfairness is being punished. We are placed in our long-deserved place through our effort and work, most likely a key role in front of others. Tiwaz is the rune of leadership, of winners, and first of all of those with a sense of responsibility and of self-sacrifice.
Financially, Tiwaz represents an assumed risk that yields results. We have much to gain from the situation we are in and can benefit from many things at the moment we sacrifice what is less important.
Erotically, this rune is very beneficial, announcing good understanding between lovers, harmony and surpassing all hardships that might appear in a relationship.
When it comes to health, the Tyr rune brings health and fortitude, or better said, recovery and healing. We are healthy, optimistic, and resilient, we have a good immune system that not only fights heroically but also wins every battle, and we enjoy life at its fullest.
When reversed, Tiwaz is the rune of necessary sacrifice, of letting go, of humbleness and modesty, but also of failure and loss. Depending on the question, the loss and sacrifice announced by Tiwaz can manifest in different aspects.
Socially this reversed rune announces a loss of the position we are in. A reaction to some of our own actions or some fundamental mistake. We lose our standing and the state we earned in the social order. We must re-evaluate our way of work, and analyze our behavior to see clearly what we did to open the the gate of failure in our lives and how we can close it.
Financially, this rune shows a blockage of cash flow, discomfort caused by money or properties, fear of loss, and worry associated with these events. We must learn the true value of money through poverty, and we must cherish well-being properly, without taking it for granted and stupidly wasting what we are given. We are guilty of being ignorant, haste, and a lack of practical wisdom, and the price of these lessons will be financial loss.
Erotically it shows arguing, not getting along, lack of of compassion and empathy. The ego of each partner wants its way regardless of the way the other is feeling. A lot of energy is wasted in arguments and resentment, and communication is practically nonexistent at an emotional level. In some extreme cases, it can indicate a break-up or divorce.
As far as health is concerned, it can indicate an acute lack of vitality and lust for life. We waste our energy on useless things and have become the target of sickness. We are down when it comes to our immune system and we have to suffer to learn to keep ourselves healthy not only through a proper diet but also through a wise and balanced way of living.
It is the 18th out of the 24 runes of the Scandinavian magical alphabet, and it is the second from the aett of Tyr.
It represents the sound B, and its name means “birch”
In the past, the Birch tree was a symbol of rebirth and of life, associated with the goddess of fertility Brecht. Its shape expresses the feminine form and we can interpret it in many ways. The same as its Hebrew ancestor of this letter was named Bat(girl, daughter) having the same form as B., Berkano represents the shape of the Goddess or of the pregnant woman seen from the aside. The smaller upper loop represents the breasts and the larger one below the womb. Often times, to represent motherly love, when the rune is placed horizontally, symbolizes the breasts. In Germanic languages, the words for breasts are closely tied to the name of the goddess Brecht: brust, brost, brjost, etc.
In a normal position, Berkano means prosperity, fertility, and a new beginning. It’s a very good rune in a draft, announcing a time of plenty, prosperity, growth, and abundance. Depending on the question, the fertile and growth energies of Berkano can manifest in different forms.
Socially it foretells of a new beginning. We are in on the threshold of a new stage in our social lives. New projects are born, new doors open where we didn’t expect and our lives are filled with a new sense of hope, and wealth on all levels.
Financially we are enjoying great success in what we do and our projects have great momentum. Businesses, investments, and our work bear its fruit and our efforts are now rewarded. Ne projects appear on the horizon, however all of them require a lot of work and commitment.
Erotically, this rune brings a lot of happiness and joy. Old arguments are forgotten and misunderstandings are left aside. The feeling of family appears, replacing that of the couple and maybe even a child.
When it comes to health, this rune brings healing and renewal after a time of recovery or labor. Berkano is natural healing via own strength or through the power of the natural world. If we wonder what treatment would be best for a certain illness or affliction, Berkano points to natural, traditional, and holistic treatment.
In a reversed position, we are dealing with the blocking of innovating elements and the frustration associated with this.
Socially, Berkano reversed announces a blockage, a frustration, or a loss. We are uneasy and worried, and our consciousness sinks somewhat into uncertainty and a lack of clarity. We are unsure of our own powers and of our capacity to do something constructive or really meaningful for the ones around us.
In the financial domain, this rune shows the loss of control of businesses and a disorderly sequence of certain events. We are bereft of caution and wasteful with our resources. Our finances are stagnating or we are recording minor losses, but enough to draw our attention to the mistakes we made.
Erotically, it shows dissatisfaction, worry, and misunderstandings. Everything is tied to the health of the female partner and the pain caused by menstruation. Partners need to be careful and not escalate the situation with inappropriate behavior or lack of empathy.
Health-wise, Berkano reversed can mean sterility, an inability to procreate, and in some cases a miscarriage. It often reflects problems with the urogenital and mammary system, and in the case of strictly sexual affairs, it can indicate the danger of venereal diseases.
Its the 19th rune out of the 24 letters of the Nordic magical alphabet, and the third from Tyr’s aett.
It stands for the sound E, and its name is pronounced like e-was, with an “e” like in the word “end”. Ehwaz means “horse” or horses. Long ago, the horse was not only a means of transportation but also a valuable good for man. It represents not only the speed with which the owner can move but also his social status.
Its shape expresses duality, communication, and partnership. We can see in it the sketched shape of a horse, two horses pulling a hunting or war chariot, or two people shaking hands. It is the rune of communication and collaboration, because a horse without a master is an unbridled force, but a man without a horse is not a rider. The rider must love and know his horse well, and the horse must listen to its master to be fed and cared for.
In a normal position, Ehwaz represents contact, harmony, flow, and coherence. It’s a very good rune in a draft, announcing a time of fluidity in all that we do. Also, it only strengthens and accentuates the meanings of the runs it is close to when drafted. Depending on the question, the mediating forces of Ehwaz can manifest in different forms.
Socially, it stands for success and popularity. We are sought after, our fame grows in social circles that matter and people start talking to us more than they did before. We work in a team and are part of an appropriate group that we might even see even as a second family. Great satisfaction is afoot and many coincidences, synchronicities, and fitting situations.
Financially, we can benefit from fruitful partnerships or from the support of others in what we are undertaking.
Erotically, there is much harmony and compatibility between lovers. Our partner is happy and content. Communication is very open, which is very healthy in a relationship. Things simply flow between the two partners. There might be a moment when words are not needed and the two get along and communicate through minor gestures, looks, or by instinct.
As far as health is concerned, this rune brings a great balance to all systems of the body. We are moving into a sustainable life, we are in good shape and enjoy great ease even when we undertake difficult tasks.
When reversed, we cannot frankly say that it’s a completely bad omen. Depending on the question, its dissonant aspects and limitations can lead to frustration and they can manifest in various ways.
Socially, this rune announces a lack of cohesion and communication. We lose touch with most of our acquaintances, and human relations enter are shadowed. Some unpleasant synchronicities can appear out of the blue. People we once hoped to never see again can surprise us with our guard down. Things are uncertain and stagnant but not perilous.
Financially, this rune shows frustration and discontent. Regardless of how much we earn, our basic needs aren’t satisfied in the current financial state. We feel that we need something, that we don’t have enough, and that something important is missing. Often times our frustrations become an unhealthy conception of our quality of life out of unreal needs and personal whims. Comparison with others can play a big role in these wrong conceptions of needing to have more, to keep pace with others.
Erotically, it shows incompatibility between partners. It could be of a physical, emotional or mental nature. Physical incompatibility is tied to sex, but also the life styles of both partners like the distances between them. The emotional one indicates major differences in character, temperament and goals of each partner, and the mental one indicates their conceptions. The couple might be going through bad times, coldness and carelessness, lack of understanding and stubbornness.
When it comes to health, it can show a lack of harmony and vitality. Our lifestyle, our habits, and pleasures are clashing with our health. You might experience afflictions that limit your movement from simple colds that isolate you at home to injury to your legs.
Is the 20th of the 24 runes and the 4th from Tyr’s aett.
It represents the sound M, and its name means “Man” or “Mankind”. Its form is mysterious, but we can distinguish two people who are embracing each other.
In a normal position, Mannaz signifies all people who are tied in some way, all people that we touched in our lives both literally and figuratively. There is a constant exchange between ourselves and others regarding information, goods, emotions, and energies (indicated by the two bent lines). Every time we receive something, we must be conscious that we become indebted, and every time we offer something, we must be aware that we will receive things back eventually. Everything that we do, good or evil, has an effect not only on others but also on ourselves. This is a positive rune when drawn, symbolizing not only humanity but also kindness. Depending on the question, the understanding and matching qualities of Manaz can be made manifest in different forms.
Socially, it foretells much activity and a lot of communication. It can be active or passive, explicit or implicit. We are in the center of attention and have plenty of responsibilities, and we have to show that we are able to do what is right, not only what we want.
Financially, we are using the relationships that we avail ourselves of to advance our own business or to receive help from a well-intended man or group of people. We are enjoying stability and are engaged in a positive cash flow.
Erotically, Mannaz represents a unique partnership and a mature relationship that has surpassed the crisis at the beginning. Things are going well in all terms. Communication is very good, and partners are supporting themselves regardless of the gravity of the situation. This works well “for better and for worse”, even if marital vows weren’t uttered.
When it comes to health, this rune brings health, immunity, and vitality. We are in balance with the outside and inside and we could say we are in harmony. We are enjoying our lives and we can work more for the good of our neighbor.
When reversed, depending on the question Mannaz can manifest under different aspects.
Socially, Mannaz reversed announces frustration, discontent, gossip, badmouthing, and humiliation in one way or another. Our actions are selfish and we must look at what we are doing from the perspective of others.
Financially, this rune shows pointless risks and bad decisions. We have shown selfishness and rudeness, so we no longer benefit from the partnerships we had, neither from other’s help. We pay for what we broke, and sleep in the sheets we were too busy to make properly.
Erotically, this rune shows a lack of sensitivity and of feeling. Things are going colder, defects become more vident, even the small ones that we considered insignificant before. Everyone is on their own and love life is reduced to a masquerade just for the sake of others. Each partner thinks they are right and they justify their thoughts be they even hidden through the framing their own opinion.
Concerning health, it can indicate a lowered immunity, psychosomatic illnesses and crisis of identity. We no longer believe in our selves, and thus, neither in the idea of balance or the spiritual cause of disease. Anyone (especially God) can be responsible for our suffering, but never us.
It’s the 21st out of the 24 runs of the Nordic magical alphabet and its the 5th from Tyr’s aett.
The sound it represents is L, and its name means “lake” or “water”
Usually, when modern man thinks about water, he thinks of flowing bodies of water or invariabilly the mind is drawn to the image of a tranquil lake or azure tropical coastlines. For us, water means more than life, beauty, and tranquility with which we associate it.
The ancient Scandinavians knew it under its more threatening forms: The sea in the Nordic tradition is an unstoppable force that can hardly be tamed. It can offer work, refuge, and food but at the same time it can forsake adventurers, it can sink ships and quench innocent lives.
In a normal position, Laguz stands for intuition, instinct, the unknown, dreams, everything hidden, and the truth of initiation. It’s a good rune in a draft, announcing a time of accentuated spiritual feelings.
Depending on the question asked, its sensibility and instinct of Laguz can manifest in different forms.
Socially, it tells of pleasant anonymity in which we can retreat when we seek peace and quiet. If everything around is shrieking like a hurricane, we can seek shelter in the eye of the storm where we can enjoy the calm, even if we retreat from events or not. We are left alone and it we could use a vacation or retreat, even if its only for a few days.
Financially, this rune brings success following an inspired purchase. Following instinct more than logic, we will make much better choices when it comes to our personal or professional cash flow, and it is indicated to make purchases and make investments which can bring us benefits later on.
Erotically, Laguz shows dreaming, mystery, and charm. Partners fall in love, each due to different aspects of the other that they hope to discover. Romanticism predominates along with dreaming, a sensation of lightness and something unreal.
Concerning health, this rune brings an increased sensibility to all external factors and a pronounced receptivity when in comes to those internal. In case of existing afflictions, we notice pain relief, withdrawal a steady recovery, and finally, health.
When reversed, Laguz tells us of imbalance, lack of harmony, confusion, ignorance, and lack of perspective. Depending on the question, disease, boredom, or angst are announced by the presence of this rune and it can manifest in different aspects.
Socially, Laguz reversed stands for forgetfulness and confusion. We are pale and don’t stand out in the crowd in any way. We become simple cogs in the machine. Routine, boredom, displeasure, and lack o perspective dominate. We dislike interacting with others especially if they are happy and upbeat because their success seems to bring us down. We also don’t enjoy the company of negative people because we sink even deeper into despair. We complain and ask for pity even if the situation is stagnant, not tragic.
Financially, this rune shows stiffness, lack of vigor, and vision. We shouldn’t invest in anything, and we should be careful with our money because we are inclined towards minor but numerous losses that could destabilize or put our economic comfort in jeopardy.
Erotically, it shows self-doubt in our own qualities, a lack of respect and trust in one’s self, image issues, and bad optics when it comes to ourselves as well as our partners. There are things lovers just don’t talk about anymore, and it would be good for them to converse about them. Feelings, desires, needs, fantasies, and thoughts are hidden away which leads to a decline in communication and the relationship turning cold. In the worst of cases, adultery may appear along with infidelity, falseness, hypocrisy, and lying.
When it comes to health, Laguz reversed can indicate mental issues and other psychological problems caused by repressed emotions. Everything we repress and all unaddressed problems are swept under the rug, hidden superficially out of comfort or cowardice until the moment they unleash anguish, unease, and even notable psychological afflictions.
It’s the 22nd out of the 24 runes in the Nordic magical alphabet, and also the 6th in Tyr’s aett.
It stands for the sound Ng, a specific sound in Nordic languages. It’s somehow more of an echo than a spoken sound just like the English word “king” or “ring”, with a fading N, without the G, Its name is a variant of Yng or Inwe, a god that is more or less identical with Frey.
It’s the penultimate symmetrical rune in the Futhark alphabet. Its form expresses duality, balance, and opposing forces that flow into each other, but also the harmony between man and nature and everything surrounding him. It is a relatively neutral rune in a draft, accentuating the significance of the runes around, bringing their vibrations into manifestation. Ing stands for the ancestor, the father, origin and male fertility, virility, and vitality(being the masculine corresponded to Perthro in terms of sexual symbolism), harmony and understanding, but also work, effort, and spiritual peace coming from the fulfillment of duties. Depending on the question, its strength for work and hardiness can be made manifest in different forms.
Socially, it tells of an earned reward for hard work done. We are being appreciated for our efforts and our merits are recognized. We can become examples for those around us when it comes to work, however depending on the situation and qualities and one’s defects we can serve as models to be followed or avoided.
Financially, there is a time of tranquility and lack of worry. We work enough to earn as much as we need, and this should be enough. There is a balance between desires and means, and things are going in the right direction. We shouldn’t become greedy for big earnings, and neither should we slack off. Everything works fine as long as we work at what we like, as much as we should.
Erotically, Ingwaz determines courage, boldness, and a daring energy. Women are more dominant or at least full of initiative than normal, while the men are full of strength, vigorous, virile and fertile. In a couple everything works well, and there is a balance between partners, without the danger of things becoming volatile.
Concerning health, this rune brings energy, a balance of forces, and regeneration. In a positive aspect it is the sign of perfect health, the balance between body, mind, and soul and a good immune system. When negatively influenced or conditioned by a diagnosis-type question, it can indicate typical male-related problems, sexual disfunction, or low fertility.
It is the 23rd out of the 24 runes in the Nordic magical alphabet, and also the 7th rune from Tyr’s set.
Its name means “day” or “dawn”. It represents the sound given by the letter D. This is found in Germanic languages transcribed as Dh, and in English as Th like in the words “this”, “that”, and “the”.
In the past the dawn stood for light and hope, the day was seen as the emergence of the human being and assured safety. In ancient Northern Europe, the day was the time in which someone could see nature and everything that confronted him, while at night time was uncertain, and nobody should move away from the group, when wild animals roamed unchecked and when the enemy could suddenly attack. Its shape expresses balance, equality, and communication between the Earth and the Heavens, we can also interpret it in many ways.
Daggaz looks a lot like Gifu, the rune of gifts and love. The X in which balance is seen. But Daggaz has two extra lines that unite the superior and inferior points. In other words, things are being balanced both in nature and in the person as well as in the heavens. When drawn, Daggaz amazes through its circularity: it can be drawn endlessly. This signifies eternal balance, the unending and the expected change. If we stop and think, it is a runic equivalent of Lemniscatus, the symbol of infinity, the horizontal 8. Out of the four lines that form it, two are rising and two are descending in an unequal but clever rhythm. Starting up, from the left, things go down quickly and suddenly (darkness), then they steadily build up(light), after which it descends suddenly again only to rise again steadily. They are all part of our choices. Daggaz is the last of the symmetrical runes, and as before we will present its aspects generally because it can be influenced in a good or bad way depending on the other runs it is extracted with.
Socially, Daggaz foretells of great success, happiness, and growth. We are at the end of labor at the end of a time of intellectual and emotional investment for which we will be rewarded properly. Our work is finally appreciated at its real value and we enjoy that we sacrificed so many resources. We are in a proper environment for growth, and even more, we have the power to decide to change things as we wish.
Financially, this rune is very positive, bringing an exit out of a crisis, the payment of dues or their erasure, recovered property, and general abundance. Things look pretty optimistic, and we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. We earn much and our financial plans take form nicely. Its time to end old calculations and to begin new projects, and investments made under the auspices of this rune will always yield good results.
Erotically, we are content and satisfied. Single people will find peace and balance in themselves and can become wiser understanding the necessity of being alone, and those in relationships are happy with one another and discover new depths to their love. There is clarity in communication and mutual understanding, empathy, and a sense of self-sacrifice. These are things that help make the relationship stable, and also help it flourish like nothing else could.
Concerning health, Daggaz brings comfort and recovery in case of suffering, but above all else, it brings harmony and balance. A healthy man on the inside and outside who is in a harmonious exchange with the fields around is the significance of this rune of light. In case of treatment, light is recommended, heliotherapy bioenergy therapy, or reiki, but often times it stands for exposure to some kind of rays.
It is the last of the 24 runes that comprised our study, the 8th in Tyr’s set.
It represents the vowel sound O, and its name can be a first name or a reference to an ancestral property. Long ago, even though cows were symbolized by the first rune, Fehu was the most visible sign of wealth, true wealth was the land. Often onsen and rarely taken into account, the plot of dirt or mud after a rain, the land was the most good someone could own. Without property, a man could own cattle in vain, not being able to feed and care for them. Having wealth was pointless if he couldn’t own a home. It didn’t matter if he was famous if he didn’t know his ancestors. All of these things are aspects of Othal: the earth, the land, property, dowry, and ancestors. We can see many things by looking at the shape of the rune, the roof beams of a house, the face and shoulders of an ancestor, or the crossed arms over the chest of a relative that passed into the beyond along with his helmet.
In a normal position, Othila is a good omen in a draft, announcing a time of stability, certainty, and fortune. Depending on the question asked, the inheritance and values symbolized by Othila will manifest in different forms.
Socially, it tells of the fundamentals, the foundation, and the base of our situation. A very powerful rune for the one who is interested in his social status, showing a deserved spot in a hierarchy or company. We are the descendants and we must prove ourselves of this, accumulating pertinent values to leave as inheritance to our descendants. Othila shows durable projects, for a long time, from which further generations will benefit, not little trifling things with which people use to kill time with. Even if it’s not for our genetic offspring, things started by us will be left to the proper ones and we must pick them with great care.
Financially, Othila stands for a firm situation, prosperity that comes from durable businesses and wise investment. This isn’t a luck rune or one related to risk or undeserved earnings but of the fruitfulness of one’s work, of certain and well-thought investments.
Its time to put our money to work for us in the correct way, helping including with their growth. Neither blind savings won’t do well here, only the establishment of solid future projects.
Erotically, this rune shows familiarity and good understanding between lovers. Those who are emotionally involved can now decide if it’s time to make bold moves, like living together or starting a family. The families of the ones involved will be well-intended and even eager in this sense, however, those who have the power to decide are still the members of the couple. Othila shows a solid long-lasting relationship. A mature relationship ore in the process of maturing.
When it comes to health, this rune brings resistance, immunity, and impeccable health probably inherited from the family. It can also signify the fact that health is the most precious thing in this field and it must be cherished as such.
When reversed, Othila is the rune of debts and waywardness, but also of inherited bad habits.
Socially, it stands for an unhappy inheritance from the ones before that is causing us trouble. We are faced with prejudice, especially concerning sex, race, nationality or origin. We must work hard rise above all negative expectations that we produce without our will.
Financially, this rune shows scarcity, bad luck, poverty, and austerity in general. We are facing unpleasant situations, inheriting the debts accumulated by the ones before us. We see ourselves compelled to straighten the wrongs committed by our ancestors, to pay their debts, and to face those who will ask for satisfaction.
Erotically, this rune shows oppression or routine. One of the members of the couple will impose their will upon the other, restricting their liberties and choices.
Also, it can mean that the relationship is stagnating, that habit has reached alarming levels for the relationship, and that there is a communication problem. Coupled with a financial rune, Othila reversed can mean problems related to the lack of a home, no inheritance, or money. In rare cases, together with runs commonly associated with magic, it signifies sexual ties or love charms.
Concerning health, it can show a lack of vitality and frail health. This can be inherited from one’s family: genetic diseases are mostly related to this rune. Additional runs can be extracted to investigate from which part of the family they originate, from where exactly, and for what reason along with what cures are recommended for reclaiming a state of good health.
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