Written by Asterion
Translated by “M.B.“
(Tolkien’s Cirth Alphabet – Source)
Even though we have finished the series of twenty-four runes, their significance in every position and domain, and even if we have written about the way the divinatory mechanism works, the subject is not yet finished. Since they began to gain popularity, the runes have been associated by various people with all sorts of things, concepts and ideas with which they have not the slightest connection.
- The Empty Rune. In most rune sets, there is a blank piece that was initially introduced to replace a piece if it is lost or damaged. The author Ralph Blum, who popularized the rune divination in the 1980s, decided to introduce it into the divinatory process. He baptized this invention with the name WYRD, representing the blind force that can manifest upon our lives, the unknown, the providence. A kind of karmic concept, forged on the Nordic terminology. This concept belongs wholly and completely to Blum, his own invention, the rune masters knowing nothing about such a concept. What this rune is supposed to bring, is exactly what Ansuz brings, so not only is it a fake rune but also a futile one. Usually the divination practitioners who use this rune do not have a deep understanding of this system, and their knowledge springs from modern, popular books. It is highly advisable to preserve the symmetry and sacred order of the runes, because they pursue a precise purpose and employs a special symbolism. Adding an unnecessary rune would destabilize it and make the system inefficient.
- Fictive Runes. There is a long history of fictional rune sets. Some of them are entirely invented, others are simply “improved” Futhark sets. The oldest added rune sets can be considered the Anglo-Saxon set with thirty-third signs. The Armanen runes, eighteen in number, were published in 1902 by the Austrian mystic Guido von List, and his rival, Karl Maria Willigut, also published a set of twenty-four runes. These are original sets, but because they have a magical foundation, we can call them authentic. They have quite a few followers using these sets and they can be considered effective. However, there have been countless examples of fictional rune sets, unrelated to the art of divination. The writer J.R.R. Tolkien invented, among the many languages of the Middle Earth, the elves runes, or Cirth, which can have up to sixty signs. These, along with the multitude of fictional alphabets invented later on, either for books or video games, are outside tradition and cannot be used in divinations. But not even the Romanian writers are left out: the authors of the book “Magie si mistere: Rune”, known under the pseudonyms of Anton Nicholaus and Loan Gallien, introduce a whole new fictional run, Takad, besides the Wyrd Rune, symbolizing the evil.
- Fictive correlations. In the above-mentioned book, the writers ascribe the runes to the tradition of Kabbalah, Jewish and Christian esotericism, mainly linked with the twenty-four elders of the Apocalypse. We must accept the fact that the Nordic masters who created the runes had nothing to do with Jewish apocryphal literature or Kabbalah. Apart from the number 24, the runes have nothing to do with the Revelation of John. The two are totally different systems, and we do not have to make hasty conclusions about the links between the two. (It would be more accurate to assume that the magazine Penthouse and the Pentateuch have a mystical connection only because they both start with PENT …). The Nordic belief system is fundamentally different from the Judeo-Christian one, the mythologies of the two are totally different as the perception of the world and the spirits is also divergent. There is no connection between Christian mystical literature and the runes.
- Wrong use. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall prey to the desire to make quick money of the path of spirituality. One of the wrong uses of the runes I have seen is the so-called Runic Reiki. Runes and Japanese Reiki have nothing to do with each other. Yes, the runes are extremely powerful symbols that can be used in magical works. Yes, they can be used in healing. Yes, they can activate hidden powers in man to be used for the good of others. But no, runes should not be used with Choku Rei and Day Ko Myo; they should only be applied with great discernment on a living being; no, an obscene amount must not be paid to receive an initiation, because the runes can be used by anyone, even if they do not have a Reiki Master diploma.
There is some measure and a common sense when it comes to runes and money. Divination must be paid because an energetic exchange is made. Rune divination learning courses have to be paid because the materials that the lecturer needs are not free either. Rune books and rune sets must also be paid. But you do not have to buy all sorts of initiations for healing or energy work with runes. You do not need to have any Reiki Master’s degrees to work with runes. You just have to research and work on your own.


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