Things are moving, slow, but they are. And with the help of people such as David Rankine and David Rubin, this website will always get better and better. I thank them both for joining our team as collaborators, and, if possible, as authors in the future. Thank you David Rankine and David Rubin!
You can check out their profiles here:
David Rankine –
David Rubin –
Also, there’s more great news. We have seven new articles which you can check out!
Introduction to the Holy Tree of Life by Aaron Leitch
Four aspects of Kabbala by Raul Petrisor
The Four Worlds by Raul Petrisor
Murder and Magic in France – Negative Uses of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius by David Rankine
Agrippa and the Magic Squares by David Rankine
A Guide to Jewish Meditation by David Rubin
Experiencing G-d in Jewish Mystical Tradition by David Rubin
Stay tuned for more!


Latest posts by admin2 (see all)
- Two new collaborators, seven new articles! - July 7, 2018
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- New article - April 28, 2018