If we disassemble the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew into its factors and add up its numerological numbers, we will receive the number 72: (י (10), יה (15), יהו (21), יהוה (26
or 10+15+21+26=72, the 72 names of God.
The names are derived by writing the letters of the three verses one above the other, with no vowel points, spaces, or punctuation marks, the first from right to left, the second from left to right, and the third from right to left. The names are then read top down.
Additions -El ( אֵל ) and –Yah (יָה ) to the names create the names of the 72 Angels or as the kabbalist call them Geniis.
(Note: there exist also completely different interpretations of the two additions -El and -Yah as this one presented by Agrippa; cf. for example Aryeh Kaplan, Sepher Yetzirah; or the standard correspondences of the Sefirot and the Names of God where “El” is attributed to Chesed-Love and “Yah” to Chakmah-Wisdom.) There is a problem with the way one have to pronounce the names as in Hebrew there are Vowel Points instead of letters for the pronounce the word, another problem came from the fact that there are some letters that don’t exist in Latin or English. This fact is the cause of many way in writing the names in other languages than Hebrew !
The shapes, sounds, sequences, and vibrations of the 72 names radiate a wide range of energy forces. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear, and anxiety from our beings. The Hebrew letters are instruments of power. In fact, the Hebrew word for “letter” actually means pulse or vibration, indicating a flow of energy. The Hebrew alphabet transcends religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. The three letters signify three spiritual forces—a positive charge, a negative charge, and a ground wire—to create a circuit of energy.The combination of the principle of five with the principle of trinity now applies to the 72 Genii or Names or angels of God. These 72 Names are composed in the original Hebrew Kabbalah of three letters, to which either the power attribute -el or -iah is added, to create a five-lettered Name of God. Thinking in the terms of Bardon’s system we could assume (speculatively), that El (God power) is a representation of the electric fluid and -iah (God mercy) represents the magnetic fluid, adding the two fundamental powers to the qualities of each single name. One further indication that this concept could be true is that the Bahir (see paragraph 8 of the Bahir and Kaplan’s commentary) states, that the letter “He” at the end of a word means the feminine quality of this thing, so we could say that the Yod of -yah reflects God (represented by a single point: Yod) in his feminine aspect (represented by He at the end of the word). Additionally He represents the concept of holding. Both concepts parallel very well the concept of the magnetic fluid. The logic behind the match is as following – each name is given a verse which contains the 4 letters name of God יְהוָה (YHVH) as well as the three letters of the name itself. If the name contains י , ה , וָ (Yod, Heh, or Vav), they must appear somewhere beside the 4 letter name.
By arranging the four letters of the Great Name, (Y H V H), in the form of the Pythagorean Tetractys, the 72 powers of the Great Name of God are manifested. From the Bahir.In paragraph 110 the Bahir states about the 72 Names: “… These are the 72 names. They emanate and divide themselves into three sections, 24 to each section. Each sections has four directions to watch, east, west, north and south. They are therefore distributed, six to each direction. …” Important is also the following sentence in the same paragraph: “All of them are sealed with YHVH …“
Why its start at the 21 mars ? It is the vernal equinox (spring equinox, March equinox, or northward equinox) from 19-21 mars defers from year to year, it is the moment when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading northward. It is the precise moment that spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also at this time when all the event of the Exodus from Egypt and the miracle of opening the red sea by wind from codes ( in Hebrew “BERUAH CODIM” – Exodus 14:20 ) happened. From the bible 12:2 ” Let this month be to you the first of months, the first month of the year.” and 12:18 “In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day, let your food be unleavened bread till the evening of the twenty-first day of the month.“
The 72 angels coresponding to the astrologic signs:
1- 0° – 5° Aries – VEHUIAH – Will and New Beginnings
2- 5° – 10° Aries – 2 JELIEL – Love and Wisdom
3- 10° – 15° Aries – 3 SITAEL – Construction of the Universe/Worlds
4- 15° to 20° Aries – 4 ELEMIAH – Divine Power
5- 20° to 25° Aries – 5 MAHASIAH – Rectification
6- 25° to 30° Aries – 6 LELAHEL – Light of Understanding
7- 0° to 5° Taurus – 7 ACHAIAH – Patience
8- 5° to 10° Taurus – 8 CAHETEL – Divine Blessings
9- 10° to 15° Taurus – 9 HAZIEL – Divine Mercy and Forgiveness
10- 15° to 20° Taurus – 10 ALADIAH – Divine Grace
11- 20° to 25° Taurus – 11 LAUVIAH – Victory
12- 25° to 30° Taurus – 12 HAHAIAH – Refuge, Shelter
13- 0° to 5° Gemini – 13 YEZALEL – Fidelity, Loyalty and Allegiance
14- 5° to 10° Gemini – 14 MEBAHEL – Truth, Liberty and Justice
15- 10° to 15° Gemini – 15 HARIEL – Purification
16- 15° to 20° Gemini – 16 HAKAMIAH – Loyalty
17- 20° to 25° Gemini – 17 LAVIAH – Revelation
18- 25° to 30° Gemini – 18 CALIEL – Justice
19- 0° to 5° Cancer – 19 LEUVIAH – Expansive Intelligence/Fruition
20- 5° to 10° Cancer – 20 PAHALIAH – Redemption
21- 10° to 15° Cancer – 21 NELCHAEL – Ardent Desire to Learn
22- 15° to 20° Cancer – 22 YEIAYEL – Fame, Renown
23- 20° to 25° Cancer – 23 MELAHEL – Healing Capacity
24- 25° to 30° Cancer – 24 HAHEUIAH – Protection
25- 0° to 5° Leo – 25 NITH-HAIAH – Spiritual Wisdom and Magic
26- 5° to 10° Leo – 26 HAAIAH – Political Science and Ambition
27- 10° to 15° Leo – 27 YERATEL – Propagation of Light
28- 15° to 20° Leo – 28 SEHEIAH – Longevity
29- 20° to 25° Leo – 29 REIYEL – Liberation
30- 25° to 30° Leo – 30 OMAEL – Fertility, Multiplicity
31- 0° to 5° Virgo – 31 LECABEL – Intellectual Talent
32- 5° to 10° Virgo – 32 VASARIAH – Clemency and Equilibrium
33- 10° to 15° Virgo – 33 YEHUIAH – Subordination to Higher Order
34- 15° to 20° Virgo – 34 LEHAHIAH – Obedience
35- 20° to 25° Virgo – 35 CHEVAKIAH – Reconciliation
36- 25° to 30° Virgo – 36 MENADEL – Inner/Outer Work
37- 0° to 5° Libra – 37 ANIEL – Breaking the Circle
38- 5° to 10° Libra – 38 HAAMIAH – Ritual and Ceremony
39- 10° to 15° Libra – 39 REHAEL – Filial Submission
40- 15° to 20° Libra – 40 YEIAZEL – Divine Consolation and Comfort
41- 20° to 25° Libra – 41 HAHAHEL – Mission
42- 25° to 30° Libra – 42 MIKHAEL – Political Authority and Order
43- 0° to 5° Scorpio – 43 VEULIAH – Prosperity
44- 5° to 10° Scorpio – 44 YELAHIAH – Karmic Warrior
45- 10° to 15° Scorpio – 45 SEHALIAH – Motivation and Wilfulness
46- 15° to 20° Scorpio – 46 ARIEL – Perceiver and Revealer
47- 20° to 25° Scorpio – 47 ASALIAH – Contemplation
48- 25° to 30° Scorpio – 48 MIHAEL – Fertility, Fruitfulness
49- 0° to 5° Sagittarius – 49 VEHUEL – Elevation, Grandeur
50- 5° to 10° Sagittarius – 50 DANIEL – Eloquence
51- 10° to 15° Sagittarius – 51 HAHASIAH – Universal Medicine
52- 15° to 20° Sagittarius – 52 IMAMIAH – Expiation of Errors
53- 20° to 25° Sagittarius – 53 NANAEL – Spiritual Communication
54- 25° to 30° Sagittarius – 54 NITHAEL – Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth
55- 0° to 5° Capricorn – 55 MEBAHIAH – Intellectual Lucidity
56- 5° to 10° Capricorn – 56 POYEL – Fortune and Support
57- 10° to 15° Capricorn – 57 NEMAMIAH – Discernment
58- 15° to 20° Capricorn – 58 YEIALEL – Mental Force
59- 20° to 25° Capricorn – 59 HARAHEL – Intellectual Richness
60- 25° to 30° Capricorn – 60 MITZRAEL – Internal Reparation
61- 0° to 5° Aquarius – 61 UMABEL – Affinity and Friendship
62- 5° to 10° Aquarius – 62 IAH-HEL – Desire to Know
63- 10° to 15° Aquarius – 63 ANAUEL – Perception of Unity
64- 15° to 20° Aquarius – 64 MEHIEL – Vivification
65- 20° to 25° Aquarius – 65 DAMABIAH – Fountain of Wisdom
66- 25° to 30° Aquarius – MANAKEL – Knowledge of Good and Evil
67- 0° to 5° Pisces – EYAEL – Transformation to the Sublime
68- 5° to 10° Pisces – HABUHIAH – Healing
69- 10° to 15° Pisces – ROCHEL – Restitution
70- 15° to 20° Pisces – JABAMIAH – Alchemy/Transformation
71- 20° to 25° Pisces – HAIYAEL – Divine Warrior/Weaponry
72- 25° to 30° Pisces – MUMIAH – Endings and Rebirth
If we want to call for example angel no. 32 “Vasariah” (see the above list by Agrippa or Bardon’s PME) then the corresponding place is 32×5°=160°. As the first angel rules from 0°-5°, Vasaria’s domain corresponds to 156°-160° or 6°-10° (Virgo); in Bardon’s PME you will find these indications beneath the names of the entities. If we want to establish a contact or get in resonance with one of these entities we must face the appropriate direction.
With the help of an ephemeris you should by now be able to calculate the precise direction. The earth goes through the entire celestial globe once a day, therefore the best time for any contact has a duration of 20 minutes each day for every of the 72 angels: 24×60 minutes=1440 minutes divided by 72 = 20 minutes. Especially favorable would be those days of the year, which correspond to the angels. Each of the angels rules ~ 5 days a year (365/72= ~ 5).
– Esoteric Archives / http://www.esotericarchives.com/
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