Djinns or Jinns are Arabic spirits, some good, some bad and some neutral. They have been part of Arabic mythology and literature. The images we have here are mostly from the manuscript Kitab al-Bulhan or Book of Wonders (late 14thC.)
Samhuras, the demon king of Thursday. Kitab al-Bulhan = composite astrology/astronomy/geomancy Arabic manuscript. Original held by the Bodleian Libraries Shelfmark; MS. Bodl. Or. 133. Fol. 32b. Other names for this king of the jinns include Shamhurish and al-Tayyar, according to R. Lebling (2010) “Legends of the Fire Spirits”
Late 14th century
Oxford Digital Library
The court of Solomon with Jinns, Angels, Animals and Birds (Mughal Miniature)
The temple of the idol. Illustration of a tale. Page from a manuscript known as Kitab al-bulhan or “Book of Wonders” held at the Bodelian Library. Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133
between 1390 and 1450
Malik al-Ahmar (Red King) – ruler Mars and Tuesday.
The century manuscript Kitâb al-Mawalid by Abû Ma’shar. From an early Egyptian copy of the manuscript; Kitāb mawālīd al‐rijāl wa‐ʾl‐nisāʾ (“Book of nativities of men and women”)
Makhan in an enchanted garden, embraced by an efreeti. Illustration from an illuminated manuscript of Hamsah, a poem by Nezami.
Imam Ali Conquers Jinn. Unknown artist from Ahsan-ol-Kobar 1568 Golestan Palace
Dhul-Qarnayn with the help of some jinn, building the Iron Wall to keep the barbarian Gog and Magog from civilized peoples. (16th century Persian miniature)
The jinn Kabus The jinn Kabus giving nightmares to a man.
Kitab Al-Bulhan
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, MS.Bodl.Or.133,fol.28r.
Zawba‘a, the demon king of Friday. From Kitab al-Bulhan, a composite astrology/astronomy/geomancy Arabic manuscript. Original held by the Bodleian Libraries. Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. Or. 133. Fol. 31b. Other names for this king of the jinns include Abu Hasan Zoba’ah and al-Abyad, according to R. Lebling (2010) “Legends of the Fire Spirits”
Late 14th century
Oxford Digital Library
The black king of the djinns, Al-Malik al-Aswad, depicted in Kitab al-Bulhan
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, MS.Bodl. Or.133. Fol.30b
Iblis, lord of all the demons.
From Kitab al-bulhan
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, MS.Bodl.Or. 133, fol.33r.
An Ifrit named Arghan Div brings the chest of armor to Hamza
The Ifrits are a class of infernal djinn and also held to be a death spirit drawn to the life-force (or blood) of a murdered victim seeking revenge on the murderer.