Category: Angelology & Demonology
Angelology & Demonology
(Lamen of Haniel – Source) Haniel is the next of the Seven Archangels of Presence, right after Raphael. He governs the planetary sphere associated with Venus, and his hebrew …
Angelology & Demonology
(Tobias meets the archangel Raphael, Andrea Vaccaro, cca. 1640 – Source) Rafael is, according to a certain system of analogies, the archangel that governs the following sphere of …
Angelology & Demonology
(Samael was sometimes identified with haSatan, the adversary in Judaism. Illustration by Gustave Dore) On the account of several authors, who took for granted the rambling of some even …
Angelology & Demonology
(Zadkiel observes Abraham trying to sacrifice his son Isaac; There are numerous opinions referring to the identity of the angel in this scene, some of which suggest it is …
Angelology & Demonology
(Seal of Tzafkiel/Kaptziel reconstructed by Asterion after the figures attributed to the seven angels found in Aryeh Kaplan s Sefer Yetsirah, fig.44, page 171. They are taken from the …
Angelology & Demonology
(Archangel Raziel, Crispijn de Passe the Elder, 16th century – Source) Mainly known to those dealing with esoterism and occultism, archangel Raziel is connected to mysteries. Even his name …
Angelology & Demonology
(Metatron, represented in the El Shaday pentacle. Remade by Asterion.) Starting with this article, we are going to try to approach either an Angel or an Archangel, from some …
Angelology & Demonology
(The Tree of Life and the Archangels) Seraphim? Cherubim? Archangels? They’re all angels, right? Yes and no. We will see why they are and why they are not.. …
Angelology & Demonology
(Satan, fallen angel – Gustave Dore, illustration in Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost – Source) Introduction in origins What and who are Demons? Fallen angels, Gods, spirits? The …
Angelology & Demonology
(Source) Angelic Hierarchies To get anything of benefit from the hierarchical representations of God’s servants or ministers, we must first understand the foundational premise behind the formulation of …