If we disassemble the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew into its factors and add up its numerological numbers, we will receive the number 72: (י (10), יה (15), יהו (21), …
Written by Asterion Translated by “Grammateas“ (Source – Miniature from Zubdat al-Tawarikh (ca. 1580), an Ottoman survey of world history by Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. It shows, from the centre: …
We meet again in 2019 with two new articles! You can check them out at the following links: The Development of Modern Western Numerology by James H The …
According to the most popular type of numerology used in the U.S. today, I am a Life Path2, an Expression 7, a Personality 4 and a Hearts …
Le Chef ou Prince des mauvais Esprits auquelles Formosans sacrifient. From George Psalmanaazaar’s “Description de l’Isle Formosa en Asie” (1712). It is showed here as an example of …
Things are moving, slow, but they are. And with the help of people such as David Rankine and David Rubin, this website will always get better and better. I …
(Source) Image and soul Man was created to relate with G-d. This potential is realized through embracing Torah. More than a revelation from G-d, Torah is a revelation …
(The image at the top of this page is an artist’s interpretation of gazing into the cosmic eye of God/Void/Cosmos. – Source) The way to nullify one’s …
A sigil could be described as a pictographic representation of a name or specific intent. The sigil representing a spiritual creature can act as a gateway for the energy …
(Source) The Grimoire of Pope Honorius is a significant seventeenth century French grimoire with a selection of Book of Secrets charms attached to it. In combining these …