Sarbatoarea Satanei (ritual)

162889_124373287625459_100001583667563_173568_3549784_n(Altar at Sarbatoarea Satanei – Source)

The ritual was created by myself (F.v.F.) years ago using traditional elements found in various sources (books). Sărbătoarea Satanei (Romanian) means Satan’s Celebration.

About the ritual:

This ritual represents adoration/worship of the Devil in a traditional form and is a celebration. The rite may take place in nature, in the woods, on the beach, on the hills, etc. Preferably at full moon, using the light of the moon as a light source. The ritual is done at or after midnight.

There must be at least three participants: A priest, a priestess and a person representing the congregation.

Clothing must be entirely black except that of the priestess which shall be red (representing passion, fire, desire, lust and violence).

The altar must be dressed in black. On the altar there shall be four black candles, one at each corner and a red taper candle in the middle. On the altar there will be the dagger, the cup/chalice with wine, the bowl for burning and the bell. On the altar there will also be a representation of Satan (sigil, drawing, statue etc)

Each participant of the congregation will bring with him a writing instrument and paper on which he shall write at the end of the ritual.

After the ritual there is celebration where food, alcohol and marijuana are consumed.

Sandalwood incense is burnt.


The Ritual:

The candles and incense are lit and the wine is poured into cup/chalice. The ritual may begin. The bell is rung 13 times to signal the beginning of the ritual.

The priest sets in front of the congregation together with the priestess on his left.

The priest lifts his hands over the congregation and says:

Welcome, brothers and sisters of the dark family of Satan! I invite you to celebrate together, in the name of the Devil!

Priestess shouts:

Slava Satana! (or Hail Satan!)

Congregation replies:

Slava Satana!

The priest turns his back on the congregation, goes over to the altar and points the dagger to the representation of Satan saying:

Glorious Lord of Darkness, hear your children calling you, thirsting for thy presence! Come, Satan! Honor us this night with your presence! From darkness we call you, over mountains and valleys, over oceans and rivers we call you. Come, Satan!

Priestess shouts:

Slava Satana!

Congregation replies:

Slava Satana!

The priest faces the congregation and says:

Are you prepared to honor our Father Satan? Are you prepared to welcome the Devil in your souls?

Congregation replies:

We are ready for the Devil! Slava Satana!

The priest says:

Then repeat after me these words, to welcome among us our Lord Satan.

The priest pronounces:

Lord Satan, in thy name we have gathered this night and we utter these words of passion..

Congregation repeats after the priest.

The priest pronounces:

You are the reason we have united our forces, to bring down the Christian spirit from our souls..

Congregation repeats after the priest.

The priest pronounces:

You, Satan, who have taught us the secret to the life of a warrior, who shown us the beauty of the world and gave us your love! We want you! Come Satan!”

Congregation repeats after the priest.

The priest pronounces:

We want to live these moments with your spirit inside us. We want you to invade our bodies with your presence! Come, Satan!

Congregation repeats after the priest.

The priest raises his hands and pronounces:

It is time! This is the moment to prove your devotion to the Devil! I invite you to celebrate together the presence of Our Lord Satan!.. now, listen to this woman, who is your sister, a daughter of Satan and ally of the Darkness which rules this night.

The priestess faces congregation and says:

Brothers and Sisters, you have waited this moment for a long time. It is time to unite once again to bring adoration and respect to our only Master, Satan. Prepare to welcome the Devil in your souls!

The priestess lifts the red candle and passes over to each member of the congregation, traces an inverted pentagram with the candle in front of each member, then serves him a sip of wine while pronouncing:

May the spirit of Satan free your soul of all fear and sadness.”

After drinking, each member pronounces:

Slava Satana!

When the priestess has finished with the congregation, she goes to the priest and repeats the same act. Then the priest serves the priestess.

After this, the priest claps his hands twice and says to the congregation:

Now that your souls have been purified through the spirit of Satan, I invite you to write down your thoughts and wishes for our Master and put them in this bowl for burning.

Each member of the congregation shall write down his thoughts, feelings and wishes to Satan and puts them in the bowl. After that, the priest burns them and lifts the bowl while shouting Slava Satana, after which the congregation replies.

The priest now pronounces:

After this act, I along with the Priestess of this gathering, bring you to the end of this ritual. We invite you to join us in celebration as long as you wish. Slava Satana! Ave Satanas! Hail Satan!

The bell is rang 13 times to signal the end of the ritual.


Slava Satana!


Ave Satanas!


Slava Satana!

After this, the ritual is complete, the candles are extinguished and the celebration may continue till sunrise.




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Position: Founder City: Bucharest, Romania Belief/System: personal Domains of interest: Satanism, Demonolatry, Medieval Witchcraft, Magic(k), Kabbalah, Gnosticism Website: Read more

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