Month: July 2015
Advice for teens and adolescents involved in Occultism (Source – I recommend reading this also) I thought that you could benefit from a little advice. After all, we …
Occultism & Esoterism
(source) A very avoided subject nowadays, even considered taboo. Still, I want to present this phenomenon as objective as possible in order to help the readers understand what means …
Occultism & Esoterism
Originally written in Romanian by FvF Translated by FvF The pentagram is a symbol as important as it is misunderstood. My intention here is to clarify certain aspects, …
(Source) It’s been some time since I decided to retreat from the spiritual community in Romania and I can honestly say that I am very happy with my decision. …
(A representation of the Divine in my vision, represented by various symbols such as the circle for eternity, the eternity symbol, hexagram to represent As Above so Below, Alpha …
(the following article is an excerpt from the book “Egotrism” by F.v.Fargas) A lot of people look around and wonder in what community they would integrate best, which …
Occultism & Esoterism
The Left-Hand Path and the Right-hand Path A brief introduction into esoteric belief systems In the occult community, you will often hear the terms left-hand path (LHP) and right-hand …
(Source) Picatrix (Ghâyat al-Hakîm fi’l-sihr): Recent scholarship on this Arabic text indicates that it may in fact be a major sourcebook for many of the later grimoires (listed …
Note: To avoid the slow loading of the page, some images have been put under the form of a link. Article written by Xophier in 2007 and completed by …