Month: June 2015
The Medieval and Renaissance Eras The “classical age” of the grimoiric texts is roughly equivalent to the span of the Middle (or Medieval) and Renaissance ages. The Middle …
Satanism & Demonolatry
The contact, work and relationships with Demons in occult practice are important. As the child needs a parent, so does the occultist sometimes needs the help of other …
Angelology & Demonology
(Satan, fallen angel – Gustave Dore, illustration in Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost – Source) Introduction in origins What and who are Demons? Fallen angels, Gods, spirits? The …
Satanism & Demonolatry
( Introduction to the article In the last several years I have noticed an increasing number of people, scholars in the occult or dabblers in the dark arts, who …
Satanism & Demonolatry
Written by Xophier Completed by F.v.F. (source) People are only animals, its one of the base rules of Satanism, or any LHP religion. As such a beast, we hunger …
Satanism & Demonolatry
(Witches’ Coven by Hans Baldung Grien, 1508) Usually the Satanist feels the need for socialization and experience swap. I don’t know one Satanist who remained solitary forever and always. …
Satanism & Demonolatry
( Satanist wearing the seal of Lucifer in the form of a tattoo – from F.v.F.’s personal archive) The peculiar and curious nature that creates the Satanic individual may …
Satanism & Demonolatry
(My altar at the Eurynomous Samhain Rite – 31st October 2007 – F.v.F. personal archive) For more information about Samhain, read the article Satanic Holidays. On the night of …
Satanism & Demonolatry
For information about Yule, read the article Satanic Holidays. I would recommend that you celebrate Yule on 21 December if you are a Satanist, or on 22 December if …
Satanism & Demonolatry
(Source) Introduction There are lots of discussions on this subject, though there is little information about it and there are reasons for this matter. Satanism is many times confused …