Basics of Demonolatry


Introduction to the article

In the last several years I have noticed an increasing number of people, scholars in the occult or dabblers in the dark arts, who became very interested in the Demonolatry religion. The occult community on the internet developed a surprising interest in the subject of Demon Worship and Hermetic tradition for some time, yet there are very few reliable sources of information where one can delve into study.

Back in 2005, when I first became familiar with the subject of Demonolatry, there was even less information. The only good source that I have stumbled upon was the website of the Demonolatry sect Ordo Flammeus Serpens (OFS). I have bought their only available books at the time, Modern Demonolatry and Lessons In Demonolatry and got into study. My passion, respect and interest for the religion of Demon Worship had grown a lot because of these two, wonderful books that I have enjoyed reading without stopping. My entire faith had changed and dare say evolved. I discovered exactly what I needed to know and understand of the nature of “dark” spirituality. As time went by I became more and more involved with the Demonolatry religion and found some important facts about myself, the world, the spirit world and of course, about Demons. I decided to join the OFS in their forum board at their website, and thus I entered in a community of people who were interested in the same subject. I discovered a whole new “race” of men and women, who were dedicated to no other than the Prince Of Darkness and His Demons.

As time went by I started practicing Demonolatry, and from my experiences I have learned a lot more than I ever expected. The Demons have given me the wisdom and knowledge I desired and needed. My views had changed. As time passed my experiences taught me different things, much different than I have read in books or heard from other people. Though Satanism and Demonolatry are two different religions, they have many similarities that connect them. Such is the similarity that Demonolatry, just as Satanism, is a very individual religion. For every adept there is a different path and a different goal. Each adept experiences (though there may be similarities) Demons and Magick different from another adept. You must understand this, for if you are to read this article you must know that not everything wrote here may be available for everyone. Just like I have developed different views and beliefs from those of the OFS have taught me, you may as well have different views from what you are to learn from this article. The information gathered in here come from both OFS and other sources as well as my own individual experiences.

With that in mind, I invite you to sit back and learn that which is to be learned about the Basics of Demonolatry.


Introduction to Demonolatry

My first attempt to cover the subject of Demonolatry was the essay Demons&Demonolatry back in 2006. It seemed that my work did not capture the attention of many, for reason (in my opinion) that it lacked information on the Demonolatry religion. So now I decided to give another try to turn your sides to this wonderful religion. If this article manages to capture your interest, I highly recommend you buy the books I have listed at the end of this essay for a better understanding of Demonolatry. They are worth every cent.

Now, before we begin talking about Demonolatry, I believe it is important that we first understand the correct terminology.

Demon/Daemon/Daimon: Lesser spirit or god. A devil in Christian mythology. Literal meaning for Demon – “Replete with wisdom”. Derived from the Greek “daimon” meaning divine power.

Demonic : Being as or resembling a Demon.

Demoniac: A person possessed by Demons.

Demonocracy: The Demonic hierarchies and/or governments .

Demonographer: One who studies and records the history and description of Demons.

Demonography: The history and description of Demons.

Demonolator(er)/Demonolatress: One who practices Demonolatry.

Demonolatry: The worship of Demons and/or practicing ritual magick with the aid of entities known as Demons.

Demonologist: One who studies and catalogues Demons. Also known as Demonographer.

Demonology: The study and cataloguing of Demons.

Demonomancy: Divination by means of Demons according to some texts. Literally “to raise Demons”.

As you have noticed, Demonolatry is quite literally “the worship of Demons”. Without being confused with Demonology, Demonolatry is by itself a religion in its own right. It is essentially the practice of religious worship and ritual magick to the favor of the divine beings known as Demons.

The religion of Demon Worship has been around for hundreds of years, keeping its Hermetic tradition alive all this time. The deities of the Demonolatry religion, the Demons as people got to call them, were merely Gods of pre-Christian religions. Many of these deities have been taken from Roman, Greek, Egyptian and other pantheons and have been classified as Demons by the Christian Church. Some of their attributes remained the same, yet others have been changed as the Christian Demonologists seen fit to their own beliefs.

There are Demons for love and healing just as there are Demons for anger and destruction. For every Demon there is an equal and opposite Demon. This is the Hermetic philosophy that remained in the tradition of Demonolatry.

In Demonolatry, there are two main categories of practitioners. The first is the category of the theistic Demonolators. These people see Demons as real entities. To them, they are the Gods of the past, the rulers of the world with Satan as the Whole, the Universe. The second category is that of modern Demonolators. To them, Demons are elemental or pure energy forces that aid them in practice to self-knowledge, spiritual growth and magickal operations. They are the embodiment of an emotion, an element, or an idea.

However, as I said before, Demonolatry is highly individual and every adept has his own beliefs regarding the Demons. Essentially, any man who worships and works with Demons is a Demonolator. Even a Satanist, though they have different paths in which they practice their religions.

The question often arises. Can Demonolators be Satanists and viceversa? The answer depends of whom you’re referring to. If we are talking about traditional Demonolators, then no, they are not. Traditional Demonolators do not believe in Satan as Satanists view him (The Devil, the adversary of God). They believe Satan to be the “fifth element”, the Whole/Cosmos, the source of all energies. There is an idea that everything in the world is a part of the Whole (Satan). That means that the Demons, Humans, Animals, Plants etc are all part of the Whole and thus, also divine. They do not believe in the Christian God and they do not believe in Heaven or Hell. Many Demonolators believe in reincarnation of their own personal energies.

Also, the Demonolaters do not necessarily worship Satan as their primary deity. Most Demonolators end up worshiping and working with their elemental Demon. Each practitioner of Demonolatry chooses what is known as a “counterpart” Demon, or a Demon that defines or identifies with the attributes of the practitioner. This becomes the individual’s matron or patron deity. All demons become secondary to this particular Demon, including Satan.

However, as I said, any person who worships and works with Demons is a Demonolator. Nevertheless, if one is to work with Demons he has to first respect and worship them to be a Demonolator. The idea that Demons can be controlled, evoked (called against their will) and banished is not part of Demonolatry.

One other question arises quite often. Many people wonder why Demonolatry is so underground and why so little information about it is known. The reasons are various. People have asked for example, why there are not many Demonolatry grimoires. The reason for this is that Demonolatry, more exactly generational Demonolatry, just like generational Witchcraft and generational Satanism is of family tradition. This religion and its traditions has been passed out from generation to generation, by family grimoires. These family grimoires are to remain private, for reason that they contain private information about the family. One cannot share family secrets to the world and that is the case here. Not only that it is private, but it wouldn’t be an intelligent move, if you come to think that we live in a world dominated by Christianity. One may lose his job and even his children for the simple fact that he worships Demons. Another reason of course, is that much of the tradition has been taught through word-of-mouth and much information is given as such, and it is not contained in grimoires.

Demonolatry History

Historic Timeline

Significant events in Demonolatry History

Taken from the book Complete Book Of Demonolatry by S.Connolly with the permission of the author.

3000BC- The Hermetica – a collection of writings attributed to Thoth, is the basis for Modern day Demonolatry philosophy. These writings are dated to a least 3000BC. Egyptian, Greek and Roman religions along with practices of the Caananites, Amorites and other various sects are the forefathers of Demonolatry. Note the similarities (i.e. people chose patrons/matrons and worked with pantheons being among the most obvious).

2500BC – The Amorites worshiped BaalBerith at the same time the Canaanites and Semites worshiped Baal. The earliest known versions of rites done to these particular deities do in fact date historically to around 1400BC according to texts found at Rad Shamara in 1929.

AD onward – The Onslaught of Christianity – the Demonic Gods of the old religions become “devils”. Demonolatry goes underground.

100-400AD – Testament of Solomon appears with the instructions to command the Djinn. Notice how Solomon was never accused of witchcraft, but will always be remembered as the wise king even though he allegedly worked with Demons closely for some years. From this appears the Goetic hierarchy from which all modern grimoires (Grand Grimoire, Black Pullet et al) are derived from. Same stuff, different books.

1119AD – 1188AD – Knights Templar were said to worship Baphomet. Historically they were a Christian order and allegedly a subset of the Masons, but many people still suggest that the order was a bonified Demonolatry sect. The Delaney Family Grimoire circa 1519 discusses the Templars as a valid Demonolatry sect by saying : “Whilst the Templars are not of our family, we shall treat them as such as we pay our respects to Baphomet in their sacred temples.” [page 90, book 2]

1312AD – The Nine Demonic Divinities (with obvious Christian influence to some degree) appears in the Black Book (Grimoire) of Thomas Buchan.

1589-1863AD – A Demon becomes synonymous with devil when numerous members of the Christian Clergy create hierarchies of Demons using the names of the old Gods. Demonolators pretend to be Christian just so they won’t be murdered.

1585AD – or thereabouts – Demonolater Alexander Willit deems the strange invocations used by Demonolators – Demonic Enns. No one knows for sure what language the Enns are in. However, one thing is for sure – the Enns scattered throughout the world in various unrelated family grimoires from different time periods all remain the SAME.

1595AD – Nicholas Remy publishes in Lyon the witch hunting guide “Demonolatry”. Though this is indeed a Christian witch hunting manual there is some interesting information on Demonolatry, polytheistic and pantheistic ritual practice. The book is filled with fascinating tidbits of Roman and Greek mythology, ritual practice and whatnot.

1963AD – Richard Dukante creates the first Demonic hierarchy put together by a Demonolator. Starts the SGD, a wordwide network of Demonolatry Sects.

1985AD – Dukante dies.

1997AD – Tezrian’s Vault is born as a public voice for the Demonolatry community (even as small as it may be)

1998AD – is born and Demonolatry has a public voice on a larger scale.

1999AD – The first book on Demonolatry written by a Demonolator is published. Modern Demonolatry, Darkerwood Publishing 1999.

2000AD – The first “public” sect is born in the First Temple of Demonolatry.

2001AD – Demonolatry goes back underground. Goes off of the Internet because of misconceptions. The First Temple of Demonolatry is disbanded.


Demonic Hierarchies

Taken from Complete Book Of Demonolatry by S.Connolly with the permission of the author.

“Demons have been catalogued since 100-400 A.D. This was around the time when the Testament Of Solomon appeared, having described the magic ring for commanding the DJINN (i.e. Goetic Demons). The Djinn (also jinn) were originally genies from Arabic mythology who granted people wishes. Unfortunately, this particular idea of Demons has stuck with people.

Perhaps one of the most famous Demonologists is Johan Weyer who developed the most complex hierarchy known, consisting of over seven thousand Demons serving under seventy-two princes of hell. Unfortunately I only have Weyer’s major Demons listed here. It is important to note that the Goetic hierarchy is the basis for many of these. You can find it in this article -> Goetia and the Lesser Keys of Solomon

It is almost impossible to find all of these hierarchies in one place. They are compiled from numerous sources including literature. The author of the Hierarchy is provided when known.

This is by no means a complete listing of every Demon in existence.

From Collin De Plancy’s Dictionaire Infernale (1863)

Asmodeus – The Destroyer

Astaroth – Obtains friendship of great lords

Behemoth – Demon of indulgence

Ronwe – Demon of lingual knowledge

Urobach – Of the lower order of Demons

Andras – Grand Marquis of Hell, causes discord and quarrels

Beelzebub – Lord of the flies


Sir William Fletcher Barrett’s The Magus (1801)

Mammon – Prince of Tempters

Asmodeus – Prince of Vengeance

Satan – Prince of Deluders

Belzebuth – Chief of false gods

Pytho – Prince of the spirits of deceit

Beliel – Prince of iniquity

Merihim – Prince of the spirits of pestilence

Abbadon – Prince of War

Astaroth – Prince of accusers and inquisitors


From the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III (1600`s)


Lucifer – Emperor

Beelzebub – Prince

Astarot – Grand Duke


v     Lucifage Rofocale – Prime Minister

v     Satanchia – Grand General

v     Agaliarept – Aussi General

v     Feurety – Lieutenant Commander

v     Sargantanas – Major

v     Nebiros – Field Marshall

Bael, Bathim, Agares, Pursan, Marbas, Abigar, Pruslas, Loray, Aamon, Valefar, Barbatos, Forau, Buer, Ayperos, Gusoyn, Nuberus, Botis, Glasyabolis

Johan Weyer’s Hierarchy of Hell (1515-1588)

v     Beelzebuth – Supreme Chieftain

v     Satan – Occupies second place as prince of darkness

v     Eurynomous – Prince of Death

v     Moloch – Prince of the land of tears

v     Pluto – Prince of fire

v     Baal – Commander of the armies of hell

v     Lucifer – Dispenses justice

v     Asmodeus – Gambling

v     Baalberith – Minister of pacts and treaties

v     Proserpine – Prince of Demonic spirits

v     Astaroth – Prince and treasurer of hell

v     Nergal – Chief of secret police

v     Bael – King, lord of the East, and commands 66 legions

v     Forcas – President

v     Beur – President and commands 50 legions

v     Marchocias – Marquis and commands 30 legions

v     Behamoth – unknown

Chamos, Melchom, Dagon, Adramalek


Sebastien Michaelis’s Histoire admirable de la Possession et conversion d’une penitente (1613)


Belzebuth – pride

Leviathan – faith

Asmodeus – luxury

Balberith – blasphemy and murder

Astaroth – vanity and sloth

Verinne – impatience

Gresil – impurity

Sonnillon – hate


Carreau – mercilessness

Carnivean – obscenity

Oeillet – riches and wealth

Rosier – love

Verrier – disobedience


Belial – arrogance

Olivier – cruelty and greed

Juvart – Demonic possession


Peter Binsfeld’s Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins (1589)

Lucifer – pride

Mammon – avarice

Asmodeus – lechery

Satan – anger

Beelzebub – gluttony

Leviathan – envy

Belphegore – sloth


Faust’s Hierarchy of the Kingdoms:

Beelzebub – North

Lucifer – East

Belial – South

Astaroth – West

Phlegathon – Center (not an actual demon, but a river, Phlegathon means center in Greek)


Misc. Medieval Hierarchies of Unknown Origin

Possibly from the obscure Liber Perditionis; a medieval book of Demons and their rank in the infernal hierarchy.

Baal-beryth – master of rituals and pacts

Dumah – commander of the Demons of gehEnna

Meririm – prince of air

Rahab – prince of oceans

Sariel – Prince of the moon

Mephistopholes – the destroyer

Lucifer Rofocale – prime minister and controls wealth


Adramaleck – Prince of Fire

Carniveau – Demon of Possession

Python – Prince of lying spirits

Mammon – Prince of tempters, avarice, and greed

Rimmon – Prince of lightning and storms


Leviathan – The Chaos Dragon

Barbelo – Unknown

Proserpine – Destroyer

Astarte – Queen of spirits of the dead

Agrat-bat-mahlaht – One of Satan’s wives and Demoness of whores

Eisheth Zenunim – Same as above

Lilith – Satan’s favorite wife

Naamah – Demoness of seduction


Richard Dukante Hierarchy (1963)

Satan – King

Unsere – Fertility and Sorcery

Satanchia – Grand General (War)

Agaliarept – Assistant Grand General (War)

Lucifage – High Command (Control)

Flereous – Fire Elemental

Lucifer – Air Elemental

Leviathan – Water Elemental

Belial – Earth Elemental

Beelzebuth – Lord of insects

Belphegore – Master of Armorment and Weaponry

Mesphito – Keeper of the book of death

Amducious – The Destroyer

Asmodeus – Demon of Lust

Sonnilion – Demoness of Hate

Abbadon – Advisor

Ammon – Demon of domination

Mammon – Demon of avarice

Rosier – Demon of love

Ashtaroth – Priestess of friendship

Eurynomous – Demon of Death

Verrine – Demon of Health

Ronwe – Demon of Knowledge

Babeal – Keeper of Graves


The Demonic Aspects – the true Hierarchy of Richard Dukante.

The hierarchy is composed of nine different families including 39 infernal hierarchs of note:

Family 1

Satan – King

Unsere – Fertility and Sorcery

Satanchia – Grand General (War)

Agaliarept – Assistant Grand General (War)

Lucifage – High Command (Control)

Flereous – Fire Elemental

Lucifer – Air Elemental

Beelzebuth – Lord of insects

Belphegore – Master of Armorment and Weaponry-gain

Mesphito – Keeper of the book of death

Delepitore – Demoness of magick

Belial – Earth Elemental

Family 2

Luithian – Advisor

Leviathan – Water Elemental

Sonnelion – Demoness of hate

Family 3

Abbadon – Advisor

Ammo – Demon of domination

Mammon – Demon of avarice

Family 4

Rosier – Demon of love

Astarte – Demoness of love

Ashtaroth – Priestess of friendship

Astarot – Matters concerning the heart

Amducious – The destroyer

Asmodeus – Demon of lust

Family 5

Eurynomous – Demon of Death

Balberith – Prince of dying

Babeal – Keeper of graves

Family 6

Verrine – Demon of Health

Verrier – Demoness of herbal knowledge

Ronwe – Demon of Knowledge

Family 7

Svengali – Demon of vengeance

Tezrian – Priestess of battle

Family 8

Asafoetida – Demoness of feminine attributes

Rashoon – Priestess of seduction

Taroon – Priestess of desire

Family 9

Consists of lesser hierarchy






The Nine Demonic Divinities (first appeared in 1312 in the Black Book of Thoman Buchan according to the Delaney Family Grimoire)

Satan – He through which all energy flows

Lucifer – Air

Flereous – Fire

Leviathan – Water

Belial – Earth

Amducious – Negative polarity

Verrine – Positive polarity

Unsere – Life

Eurynomous – Death



(Sigils of the Nine Demonic Divinities – painting – F.v.F.’s personal archive)

The Enns

The Enns are magickal invocations meant to call upon the Demonic spirits. No one knows what language the Enns come from. They were deemed Demonic Enns in late 16th century by demonolator Alexander Willit. The Enns are unique in that they appear across several family grimoires that are from different geographic locations, and remain the same.

The Enns :

Satan – Tasa Reme Laris Satan

Lucifer – Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer

Unsere – Unsere Tasa Lirach On Ca Ayar

Satanchia – Furca Na Alle Laris Satanchia

Agaliarept – On Ca Agaliarept Agna

Lucifage – Eyen Tasa Valocur Lucifage Rofocale

Flereous – Ganic Tasa Fubin Flereous

Beelzebuth – Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebuth

Belphegore – Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore

Mesphito – Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca

Delepitore – Deyen Pretore Ramec Delepitore On Ca

Belial – Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial

Luithian – Deyan Anay Tasa Luithian

Azlyn – Rean Par Tasa Azlyn Ayar

Leviathan – Jaden Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan

Sonnelion – Ayer Serpente Sonnillion

Abbadon – Es Na Ayer Abbadon Avage

Ammon – Avage Secore Ammon Ninan

Mammon – Tasa Mammon On Ca Lirach

Rosier – Serena Alora Rosier Aken

Astarte – Serena Alora Astarte Aken

Ashtaroth – Tasa Alora Foren Ashtaroth

Astarot – Serena Alora Astarot Aken

Amducious – Denyen Valocur Avage Secore Amducious

Asmodeus – Ayer Avage Aloren Asmodeus Aken

Eurynomous – Ayar Secore On Ca Eurynomous

Balberith – Avage Secore on ca Baalberith

Babeal – Alan Secore On Ca Babeal

Verrine – Elan Typan Verrine

Verrier – Elit Rayesta Verrier

Ronwe – Kaymen Vefa Ronwe

Svengali – Desa On Svengali Ayer

Tezrian – Ezyr Ramec Ganen Tezrian

Asafoedita – Asana Nanay On Ca Asafoetida

Rashoon – Taran Rashoon Nanay

Taroon – Taroon An Ca Nanay

Berith – Hoath Redar Ganabal Berith

Agares – Rean Ganen Ayar Da Agares

Abigor- Aylan Abigor Tasa Uan On Ca

Lilith – Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach

Bael – Ayer Secore On Ca Ba’al

Agares – Rean ganen ayar da Agares

Vassago – Keyan vefa jedan tasa Vassago

Samigina (also Gamigin) – Esta ta et tasa Gamigin

Marbas – Renich tasa uberace biasa icar Marbas

Valefor – Keyman vefa tasa Valefor

Amon – Avage Secore Amon ninan

Barbatos – Eveta fubin Barbatos

Paimon – Linan tasa jedan Paimon.

Buer – Erato on ca Buer anon

Gusion – Secore vesa anet Gusion

Sitri – Lirach Alora vefa Sitri

Beleth – Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth.

Leraje (also Leraikha)- Caymen vefa Leraje.

Eligos – Jedan on ca Eligos inan.

Zepar – Lyan Ramec catya Zepar

Botis – Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis.

Bathin – Dyen Pretore on ca Bathin

Sallos (also Saleos) – Serena Alora Sallos Aken

Purson – Ana jecore on ca Purson

Marax (also Narax) – Kaymen Vefa Marax

Ipos – Desa an Ipos Ayer

Aim – Ayer avage secore Aim.

Naberius – Eyan tasa volocur Naberius

Glasya-Labolas – Elan tepar secore on ca Glasya-Lobolas.

Bune (also Bime) – Wehl melan avage Bune Tasa.

Ronove – Kaymen vefa ronove

Berith – Hoath redar ganabal Berith

Astaroth – Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth

Forneus – Senan okat ena Forneus ayer.

Foras – Kaymen vefa Foras

Asmoday – Ayer avage Aloren Asmoday aken

Gaap – Deyan Anay Tasa Gaap

Furfur – Ganen menach tasa Furfur

Marchosias – Es na ayer Marchosias Secore.

Stolas (also Stolos)– Stolos Ramec viasa on ca.

Phenex (also Pheynix)– Ef enay Phenex ayer.

Halphas – Erato Halphas on ca secore

Malphas– Lirach tasa Malphas ayer

Raum – Furca na alle laris Raum

Focalor – En Jedan on ca Focalor

Vepar – On ca Vepar Ag Na

Sabnock – Tasa Sabnock on ca Lirach

Shax – Ayer Avage Shax aken

Vine – Eyesta nas Vine ca laris

Bifrons – Avage secore Bifrons remie tasa

Uvall (also Vual or Voval)– As ana nany on ca Uvall.

Haagenti – Haaventi on ca Lirach

Crocell – Jedan tasa Crocell on ca

Furcas – Secore on ca Furcas remie

Balam – Lirach tasa vefa wehl Balam

Alloces – Typan efna Alloces met tasa

Camio (also Caim) – Tasa on ca Caim renich

Murmur (also Murmus)- Vefa mena Murmur ayer

Orobas – Jedan tasa hoet naca Orobas

Gremory (also Gemory or Gamori) – An tasa shi Gremory on ca

Ose (also Voso or Oso) – Ayer serpente Ose.

Amy (also Avnas) – Tu Fubin Amy secore

Oriax (also Orias) – Lirach mena Orias Anay na

Vapula (also Naphula) – Renich secore Vapula typan

Zagan – Anay on ca secore Zagan tasa

Volac (also Valak, Valac, or Valu)– Avage Secore on ca Volac

Andras – Entey ama Andras anay.

Haures (also Flauros, Haurus, or Havres) – Ganic tasa fubin Flauros.

Andrealphus – Mena Andrealphus tasa ramec ayer

Cimejes (also Cimeies or Kimaris) – Ayer avage secore Cimejes

Amdusias (also Amdukias)– Denyen valocur avage secore Amdusias

Belial – Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehl Belial

Decarabia – Hoesta noc ra Decarabia secore

Seere (also Sear or Seir)- Jeden et Renich Seere tu tasa

Dantalion – Avage ayer Dantalion on ca

Andromalius – Tasa fubin Andromalius on ca


Below are some definitions of the Enns that were received from an ascension with Delepitorae.

Asta – Ashtaroth

Et – And

Fubin – (the) Flame

Ganic – Fire

Geana – Mystery

Jedan – Water

Hesta – Curse

Hoet – Our

Lanire – Liar

Lirach – Earth

Naca – Circle (ring)

Par – Thee

Renich – Air

Roroth – (bring) to me

Tasa – Protect

Uberaca Biasa Icar – the surrounding sky

Vefa – This

Wehlc – Soil

Withar – Discover



Sigils are symbols created for a specific magickal purpose. In Demonolatry, sigils are representations of the Demon entities. The sigils allow the adept to focus on the Demonic entity, to connect to the energy of the Demon and also to simply honor the Demon. They are tools used to assist the practitioner with invoking a Demonic Entity.

One important fact is that sigils are burned in Demonolatry. As opposed to other magickal systems which consider this to be an act of disrespect, Demonolatry requires the magickal sigils to be burned. Demonolators burn the sigils to honor the demons. It’s the idea that by giving the sigil to the flames, it thus takes form and allowing your message to rise to a state of energy so that the Demons can absorb the positive energy put in its creation. It is also though that by burning the sigil, the energy of the practitioner is given to the Demon through the agency of the flames.

Sigils are often circled in Demonolatry, to denote Satan encompassing that particular part of the whole. By circling the sigil you are focusing on the Demon as part of something larger. By leaving the sigil un-circled it suggests focusing on the Demon itself without looking at it as part of the whole. In Goetic and Ceremonial Magick, encircling the sigil is often symbolic of having power over a Demon. Demonolators do not do this.

The acquiring of the sigils may be done in three ways. The first method of acquiring them is through conversing with a particular spirit during an ascension (a state of ascended consciousness reached through deep meditation. It allows the practitioner to commune with Demons on the Demonic plane). The second method, quite rare and doubtful, is by possession of the body. The practitioner invites the spirit to draw the sigil through his body. This is sometimes called Channeling. The third method is sigil magick. The practitioner creates a sigil for the Demon he wishes to work with by various methods.

The authenticity of a sigil, just like that of an Enn (invocation), is quite unsure. I do not say that the sigils you find are not real and good, but they might not be what you expect them to be. Some claim the sigils come directly from the Demons, but that is a delicate and uncertain claim. The reason I say this is obvious. There are many different sigils for Demons. For example Satan. He’s got the sigil from the Grimorium Verum grimoire, and there is also the sigil from Dukante. Two different sigils. Asmodai/Asmodeus too. He’s got a sigil in Goetia and a different one in Dukante. I believe the best way to acquire authentic sigils is to create them yourself. They are genuine magickal symbols because they represent something for you, because they were created by you.

The Dukante sigils :

These are the Demonic sigils of Richard Dukante. It is not known if Dukante acquired these sigils via ascension or if he copied them from another Grimoire. However, these sigils have been copied from the book “Complete Book of Demonolatry” and the author of the book copied them from the Dukante grimoires with the permission of his daughter.


Sigils from Grimorium Verum :


The four sigils of Lucifer


The three sigils of Beelzebuth


The three sigils of Astaroth


Demonolatry practice

The practice of Demonolatry may be divided in two categories. One is the religious practice and the other is the magickal practice. The religious practice is the category of which prayer, ceremonies and celebrations are part of. The religious Demonolators utilize prayers of sorts for empowerment, devotion, communication with the divine, confession or thanksgiving. As opposed to the Christian form of prayer, Demonolatry prayer is not about asking for mercy or asking for this and that. To the Demonolator the divine is not here to grant us things, but to help us become strong enough and wise enough to get things by ourselves. They ask for the guidance of the divine entities known as Demons. By praying to them and keeping close relationships with these entities they become more spiritually aware of the world and get to understand the divine better.

The religious rites and celebrations may be those dedicated to the sect Demon, to the Matron/Patron or Marriage rites, divorce rites, funeral rites, baptisms, holidays and others.

Others have decided to add to their practice magickal operations to aid them into spiritual work. While magick is sometimes incorporated into Demonolatry, it is not necessarily a part of it. Demonolatry is a flexible religion. It is not unusual if a practitioner of Demonolatry decides to add certain practices of different belief systems into their work. Demonolatry is all about experimentation. That means that anything that works for you is good. Magick is merely a tool for those who wish to spice up their lives with more than simple prayers and devotion.

I have decided not to talk much of Demonolatry practice in this article, for reason that I will cover each of the practices in special essays, but there are few points I would like to make here before I close this essay.

In Demonic Magick it is common that a circle is to be constructed in the ritual space. Unlike the traditional ceremonial magick rituals, in which circles are made for protection, the Demonolatry circle is made to contain and balance the energies in the rituals. There are also rites in which triangles are constructed where all the nine divinities are called upon (three to each point). These rites exist to create a more vibrant flow of energy.

The last thing I want to cover in this essay is the proper invocation techniques. Many people wonder how they can properly invoke a demon. Well, to properly invoke a Demon in the traditional way is to use the Enn, or an invocation of your own devise, and use the ritual dagger or your hand to draw the following in the air in front of you, starting at the arrow and ending at the dot:


It starts with the point closest to the arrow with Unsere, next is Lucifer, next is Flereous, next is Verrine, next is Belial, then Amducious, then Leviathan, Satan and finally it ends at the dot with Eurynomous.

To give a closing to this essay I must (again) remind you to buy the books I have listed below for a better understanding of Demonolatry.


Recommended reading:

Complete Book Of Demonolatry by S.Connolly

The Daemonolater’s Guide To Daemonic Magick by S.Connolly

Daemonolatry Goetia by S.Connolly

Kasdeya Rite Of Ba’al by S.Connolly

Goetic Demonolatry by Ellen Purswell

Demonolatry Rites collected and edited by S.Connoly

Sanctus Quattuordecim by M.Delaney


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Position: Founder City: Bucharest, Romania Belief/System: personal Domains of interest: Satanism, Demonolatry, Medieval Witchcraft, Magic(k), Kabbalah, Gnosticism Website: Read more

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